- 名Management rights;the right of management and administration

They bought control of a building company and a glass factory .
Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors .
Separation of managerial right from ownership , which promotes innovations in the corporation system ;
In the private ownership society , the property rights and the management authority separated .
Portfolio investment is a long-term investment in which the investor does not exercise any managerial control .
The company independent personality system design of the property of the separation of ownership and management become possible .
Furthermore , the reform leads to broaden the management right , to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct .
A key problem of the reorganization law is which party may control the indebted enterprise after the petition of the reorganization proceeding .
The commerce had increasingly developed in this period , the property and business management responsibility separated , the complex economic responsibility appeared .
Key experiences to turn over a government sponsored small - sized irrigation projects of less than 500 hm2 each to water user association .
There are great differences and contradictions on right of operation and management and understanding of this system between trader and " Westernization " group .
The right of use , the right of management , the right of profit that are the uncomplete rights are only part of rights of ownership .
Shares of stocks of a limited liability company are inherently affiliated with management , and its conduct of pledge has more restriction than that of a liability company limited by shares .
Directors have a wide range of management power defined in the law of articles of corporation . However , no power goes without duties and liabilities , since power is always abused .
This would not only infringe upon our sovereignty , right of postal management and administration and economic interests , but also cause disorder in the administration of post and communications in our country .
In current system , the fund management companies are in the core of the system . They control the assets and are authorized to decide when and what securities to buy and sell .
The development of modern enterprise demands the separation of ownership and management . Then finally an internal game setting between owner and manager comes into being as a result of the asymmetry of information .
After researching the data collected through 22 corporations with technology as its capital contribution , the dissertation advocates the usual integration of the rights of shareholders with technology contributed for capital and the rights of operation and management .
The core of the modern firm institution is the dividing of two rights & the dividing of the capital ownership and the managerial right , i.e. the dividing of the claim right of capital residue and control right of the firms .
In the US , Germany , France and the Great Britain , four different legislative models were formed by giving the controlling right to the debtor , the creditors , the court or a third party having the insolvency practicing license or experience .
Overseas direct investment is defined as an investment action an investor of one nation ( or region ) takes to gain profits from an enterprise and acquire full or a certain level of management of the enterprise in another nation ( or region ) .
But because of ownership and management rights ' separation , these external interest groups not directly involved in the operation and management of corporate activity . If they want to know the financial position and operating results , they have no choice but to corporate financial statements .
Must be functions of the standard basket , basket , Sports Council withdrawing from the CBA League club management , Club has the right to operate and manage power to actually become a CBA Professional League " entities " .
The first principle , the right to operate and manage should be separation . The second is the social cost-effective environmental benefits , taking into account the principle of priority . And the third principle is flexible and diversified mode of operation , business process standardization .
The Succession and the Jumping & New Russian Civil Law on rights of management and business control under historical comparison
Operation and management of mining authority is a process of investment and reinvestment in order to gain maximum economic benefits .
The person who masters corporate control can make decision right for important management and order right for the managers of the firm through voting rights .
Company shareholders are also directly involved in the exercise of management , which is an important way , but the Act emphasized the concept of separation of ownership and management , so it is a special case .
Two ways ensure the smooth exercise of the right of state ownership :( 1 ) as to unitary state-owned enterprises and institutions , state ownership is preserved while such enterprises and institutions per se have operational and managerial power that bears the nature of jus in re aliena ;
In the recent dozens of years in the development of corporation system , the shares become more and more publicized and socialized , meanwhile the power of management expanded much and the management has actually controlled the managing power of corporations .