
  1. 我国要由行业会计制度向具体会计准则方向转换,这会影响经济管理权界的变化和经济利益的再分配。

    In China , the accounting system is changing from industry accounting to concrete accountancy principles , which will influence economy management and the re-distribution of economic benefit .

  2. 中国一方面作为吸收外资的东道国,需要有效行使本国的经济管理权以发展本国经济;另一方面又作为资本输出国,应当积极保护本国在海外投资者的权利。

    China on the one hand as the host country to attract foreign investment , need to effective exercise the economic management power on the foreign investers ; on the other hand as Capital-exporting countries , China has taken avtive measures to protect the overseas investors rights .

  3. 但内蒙古应充分行使经济管理自治权,制定更加特殊灵活的边境贸易政策。

    But Inner Mongolia should exercise the autonomous rights of economic management , to formulate or to help to formulate more specific and flexible policy of border trade .

  4. 不过,虽说国家元首将把握未来10年任期内的总体方向,但经济方面的管理权掌握在总理手中。

    Yet while the head of state sets the overall direction of China 's 10-year leadership terms , it is the premier who is responsible for the economy .

  5. 由于政府具有实际的集体资产管理权和经济社会管理的政治权两种权力,具有了集体资产所有者和社会管理者双重身份,市场经济要求政资分离政企分离。

    Since the government has the right to manage the actual collective assets of the political rights and economic and social management of the two powers , with double identity of the collective assets owner and social manager .

  6. 计划经济向市场经济转轨、中央管理权下放、国际管理贸易盛行、加入WTO是我国地方政府外经贸管理面临的新课题。

    As planned economy transferring to market economy , power descending from the central government to the local governments , international managerial trade prevailing and China 's entry into WTO , the local governments are exposed to new national and international situation on managing foreign economic and trade .