
  • 网络Operation Management
  1. 设计定位是一个非常复杂的问题,它涉及到设计心理学、经济学、美学和经营管理学等领域。

    It involves the design psychology , esthetics , economics , management and administration etc.

  2. 金融企业经营管理学

    Business Management of Financial Enterprises

  3. 但是,作为一种规范化的战略理论则是在20世纪80年代以后才引起国际经营管理学界的高度重视,而这一理论传播到我国则是到了90年代中期。

    However , as a theory of strategy it was attached importance by International business management after 1980s , and until middle period in the 1990 it was spread to china .

  4. 房地产市场营销理论综合了房地产经营管理学与市场营销学两门学科理论,属于新兴交叉学科,因而针对房地产营销这一课题所进行的研究也处于初期阶段,尚未成熟。

    Real estate marketing theory , a combination of real estate business management and marketing subjects theory , belong to the emerging interdisciplinary subject , thus for the study of real estate marketing also belong to the early stages , is not yet mature .

  5. 加强企业经营管理者学法用法促进社会主义市场经济健康发展

    Reinforcing the Learning and Practice of Laws of Entrepreneurs , and Promoting the Healthy Development of Socialist Market Economy

  6. 本文运用市场营销、企业经营战略和管理学等理论,联系实际,提出了适合公司特点的营销战略。

    This paper makes use of the theory of marketing , corporation strategy and management , connection is actual , bring upped the marketing strategy that suits company 's characteristic to sell .

  7. 电力多种经营企业改制的管理学思考

    The Thinking of the System Reform in Electrical Multiple Operation in Terms of Management

  8. 然而如何调整好领导与下属的关系,使领导者和下属双方之间的互动处于最佳状态,提高团队绩效,最终提高整个企业的经营业绩,是管理学研究的重点。

    However , how to adjust the relationship between leaders and subordinates in order to make it in the best condition , improve the team performance and ultimately enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises , is the key weapon of the enterprise .