
  1. 而建模后对复杂的控制系统用传统的经验分析法确定其合理性和调节品质已远远不足。

    The traditional methods are far insufficient for ensuring rationality and control quality of the complex system after modeling .

  2. 规划研究的方法有经验分析法、客流预测法、公交增长法和多模块网络层次分析法等。

    Approaches to planning study include empirical analysis , traffic volume forecast , growth of public traffic , multi-module network analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ), etc.

  3. 归纳和评述了现行的5种消滩水力指标确定方法:实船实验法、经验分析法、阻力计算法、能量分析法和船模试验法。

    This paper summarizes and evaluates the following 5 available methods to determine rapids suppression indexes : prototype vessel test method , experiential analysis method , drag computation method , energy analysis method and model vessel test method .

  4. 其次,对各指标进行分级、量化,通过专家经验法、层次分析法确定各评价指标的权重。

    Then , the paper determined the weights of evaluation indexes through AHP after the classification and quantification of each index .

  5. 本方法虽以单层工业厂房为例,但其学习专家经验并应用层次分析法确定各影响因素权重的思想代替了以往的传统经验法。

    The essay sets one-storey workshop as an example , but it makes use of Expert System and the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) to replace the traditional method .

  6. 同时,通过参阅相关文献,借鉴前人的经验,运用层次分析法对成渝试验区土地流转的绩效进行评价。

    Then referring to the relevant literature , based on the previous experience , the performance of land transfer is evaluated in Chengdu and Chongqing pilot area with the method of AHP .