
  • 网络Operating income;Discontinued Operations;EBIT;NOI
  1. 经济增加值EVA指企业税后净经营收益扣除包括股权和债务的加权资本成本后的经济利润。

    Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is economic profit that is Net Operating Profit After Tax deducted Weighted Average Capital Cost ( include equity and debt capital cost ) .

  2. 当经营收益不可缔约时,民营资本全额投资并获取全部经营收益的PPP典型合约是有效的政府均衡选择。

    When the operational revenue is uncontractible , the typical PPP contract that private organizations finance all the project investment and gain all the operational revenues is both optimal choice of the government and social efficient .

  3. 是用经营收益还是报告收益,无共识。

    No consensus regarding the use of operating or reported earnings .

  4. 超过一半的经营收益来自新兴世界。

    More than half comes from the emerging world .

  5. 中国建筑与房地产企业归核化经营收益能力研究

    Research on Profitability of Refocusing Operation in Chinese Construction and Real Estate Enterprises

  6. 但事物总有两面,金融控股公司在带来巨大经营收益的同时,也带来了巨大的风险。

    However , while gaining enormous operational income ~ , financial holding companies bring enormous risk .

  7. 探讨了经营收益现值法和投资成本收益法对公路桥梁经营权转让的评估。

    There are some problems on the manage right of highway and bridge in our country .

  8. 西班牙国家银行是一家西班牙银行,其70%的经营收益来自西班牙以外国家。

    Santander is a Spanish bank and earns 70 % of its operating income from outside Spain .

  9. 企业负债承受能力的大小受企业经营收益、资产流动性和股权资本状况制约。

    The limitation of enterprises ' liability is affected by operational income , asset liquidity and equity capital .

  10. 对于创业板上市公司而言,往往最有价值的机会是伴随着经营收益巨大的不确定性。

    For GEM listed companies , often the most valuable business income opportunity is accompanied by great uncertainty .

  11. 其中传统资本结构理论又分为净资产理论,净经营收益理论和传统理论。

    Traditional theory is made up of net asset theory , net earning of operation theory and traditional theory .

  12. 个人理财业务的发展为商业银行拓展个人金融服务、增加经营收益的提供了良好的发展机遇。

    The development of personal finance services provides commercial banks good grow opportunities of expanding personal financial services and increasing income .

  13. 最后通过具体的数据,对人力资本股份化后,经营收益与经营风险在物质资本与人力资本之间的转移过程进行了较为直观的例证。

    At last this article exemplified through data the income and risk diversion between human capital and material capital after human capital stock .

  14. 在本研究中,将土地报酬定义为土地经营收益与土地经营者机会成本之差。

    Payment based on land shares in this study is defined as difference between land management gains and opportunity cost of land managers .

  15. 因此,回避中小企业固有的高风险特性、同时获取更多的经营收益成为商业银行必须妥善解决的课题。

    How to avoid enterprises high risks as well as get more operational income is a problem that commercial banks should properly solve .

  16. 这些收益或损失,如果金额较大的话,应该在计算经营收益的损益表中单独列示。

    These gains or losses , if material in amount , should be shown separately in the income statement in computing the income from operations .

  17. 如何使销售人员有效地完成业绩,并且长期为企业服务,将使企业的经营收益和抗风险能力大大提高。

    How to make the sales staff to effectively complete performance and long-term services for enterprises will greatly improve the enterprises income and risk resisting ability .

  18. 设备投资决策是施工企业进行日常生产和扩大再生产的重要环节,它直接影响着企业生产能力及经营收益的大小。

    Investment decision-making is an important part of daily production and expanding the construction for the enterprises , which directly affects the production capacity and the income .

  19. 浙江山核桃产业经营收益的影响因素和政策设计&基于临安和淳安的实地调查

    Influencing Factors and Policy Design Connected with the Economic Profit from Hickory Nut Industry in Zhejiang Province & Based on the field investigations in Lin'an and Chun'an

  20. 也许最重要的是,当短期和中期的经营收益,特别是在一个时期内收益率非常高的时候,是不应该被视为长期投资回报的精确信号。

    Perhaps most importantly , short-and medium-run returns , especially during periods when they are high , should not be taken as accurate signals of long-run returns .

  21. 利率风险对商业银行的经营收益和净市场价值产生影响,尤其是对中小商业银行形成了极大地冲击。

    Interest rate risk has an impact on operating income and net market value of commercial banks , especially on small and medium commercial banks ( SMEs ) .

  22. 而会计学家基于收益范围界定的不同,形成了两种观点:当期经营收益观和总括收益观。

    While accounting scholars took shape into two opinions which were based on the different definition of income : Current operating income perspective and all-inclusive perspective of income .

  23. 由于税率和薪酬降低,该投行的持续经营收益较去年同期增长59%,甚至还略高于业绩突出的第二季度。

    Earnings from continued operations were 59 per cent up on last year and were even slightly ahead of the bumper second quarter , thanks to lower tax and compensation .

  24. 本项目在填补宁夏灵武羊绒园区羊绒纱生产空白的同时,使得S公司羊绒产业链更加完善,也将为S公司的带来丰厚的经营收益。

    The project at the same time fills the blank of cashmere yarn production in Ningxia Cashmere Park , making S company cashmere producing chain more perfect , and it will also bring in huge operating income for S company .

  25. 风险管理的核心不是要追求不切实际的零风险,而是要达到风险和收益的平衡,并在风险可容忍的前提下最终取得良好经营收益。

    The core of risk management is not to pursue " zero risk " which is unrealistic , but to achieve the balance of risks and benefits , and acquire the good operating income eventually on the premise of tolerable risk .

  26. 连锁企业是一种规模经济较为明显的商业组织形式,要求连锁企业的规模不能低于最小经济规模水平,否则,经营收益就会小于成本。

    Chain business is a kind of business organization form with relatively obvious scale economy . The scale of chain enterprise should not be smaller than the minimum economic scale level , otherwise operation profit will be less than the cost .

  27. 消费信贷业务的开展,对于扩大内需、促进国民经济发展、提高人们的物质文化生活水平,以及改善银行信贷结构、增加银行经营收益等有十分重要的作用。

    The launching of credit consumption is much important to extend inside need , promotes the national economy development and raises the people 's material and culture life level , improve the bank loan structure , and increase the bank interest .

  28. 农地流转是解决当前我国农村土地规模偏小、农业经营收益偏低的有效途径,对于优化农村土地资源配置、提高土地利用效率、进而促进农民增收和农村经济发展具有重要的意义。

    Transference of the farmland is an effective way to solve the rural land utilization of making the land smaller , to improve the land utilization efficiency and promote the increase of peasants ' income and the rural economy development at present .

  29. 中间业务与资产业务、负债业务一起,共同构成现代商业银行的三大支柱业务,成为商业银行经营收益的重要来源之一。

    So the intermediate banking business becomes one of the most important incomes of a commercial bank and besides asset and credit business , it is also one of the components of the three pillars of business of a modern commercial bank .

  30. 结果发现不论经营收益可否缔约,资金约束和项目风险都是政府引入民营资本的重要因素,更高的民营投资将伴随更多的收益分享。

    The result shows that , no matter whether the operational revenue is contractible , the financial restriction and project risks are both factors influencing the choice the government makes to introduce private finance . More private finance means more revenue sharing .