
  1. 要说去年最大的挑战,那还是经济下行压力加大的挑战。

    The biggest challenge last year was the increased downward pressure on our economy .

  2. ,许多国家都面临经济下行压力,中国和中东欧国家也不例外。

    ; and many countries are facing downward pressures , with China and CEE countries being no exception .

  3. 上周一,一份报告显示,在经济下行压力下,我国企业感到日益上涨的成本造成了他们的负担。

    Chinese firms are feeling burdened by rising costs amid downward economic pressure , a report showed last Monday .

  4. 杨凯生表示:2015年的经济下行压力将增加,商业银行消化不良贷款的能力显得尤为重要。

    " Downward pressure will increase in 2015 and commercial banks ' ability to digest bad loans is important ," said Yang .

  5. 在泰国和马来西亚等国家,大宗商品价格的下滑威胁着这类商品出口商的收益,从而增加了经济下行压力。

    In some countries , such as Malaysia and Thailand , falling commodity prices are adding to the pressure by threatening the results of big commodity exporters .

  6. 这种模式可能会持续下去,但我们预计未来几个月政府将出台进一步的宽松政策,以帮助抵消经济下行压力。

    While this pattern will likely continue , we still expect further easing measures in the coming months to help offset the downward pressures on the economy .

  7. 我确实很佩服你们这些驻华记者,能这么流利地说中文。要说去年最大的挑战,那还是经济下行压力加大的挑战。

    Li Keqiang : I truly admire all these resident journalists of foreign media in China for speaking Chinese so well . The biggest challenge last year was the increased downward pressure on our economy .

  8. 我国经济下行压力还在加大,发展中深层次矛盾凸显,今年面临的困难可能比去年还要大。

    With downward pressure on China 's economy building and deep-seated problems in development surfacing , the difficulties we are to encounter in the year ahead may be even more formidable than those of last year .

  9. 对金融和债务风险我们一直高度关注,去年在经济下行压力加大的情况下,我们果断决定全面审计政府性债务问题,这本身表明要勇于面对。

    We pay very high attention to the financial and debt risks . Faced with increased downward pressure on the economy last year , we conducted a comprehensive audit on government debt . That shows that the Chinese government has faced up to this challenge .

  10. 德国也面临投入更多资金防止经济下行的压力。

    Germany is also coming under pressure to up commit more funding to fight the downturn .

  11. 中国劳动学会副会长苏海南表示,由于我国经济面临下行压力,工资增长跟经济增速也要相适应。

    Su Hainan , vice president of the China Association for Labor Studies , said as China 's economy faces downward pressure , the growth of wages should be in accordance with economic growth .

  12. 今年以来,面对错综复杂的国际国内环境,中国经济面临下行压力,但运行总体平稳。

    Since the start of this year , in the face of a complex environment at home and abroad , the Chinese economy , under heavy downward pressure , has managed to maintain a stable performance on the whole .

  13. 花旗集团(Citigroup)经济学家丁爽说,中国经济持续面临下行压力,未来两个季度经济增速将进一步回落至7%。

    ' There is continued downward pressure on the economy , ' said Ding Shuang , an economist at Citigroup . ' Economic growth will continue to decline to 7 % over the next two quarters . '

  14. 当前,中国经济尽管面临下行压力,但运行总体平稳,主要指标企稳向好,结构调整出现积极变化。

    At present , despite downward pressure , the Chinese economy is running stable in general . Main indicators are stabilizing and improving . Structural readjustment has seen positive changes .

  15. 这项在22号公布的、对中国2.1万多名白领的调查结果显示,由于经济发展的下行压力,他们对职业生涯发展的信心已经降到了三年来的最低水平,特别是那些在国有企业和政府下属机构单位工作的人。

    The survey , released on Monday , polled more than 21000 white-collar workers in China . It found that their confidence in career development had reached the lowest level in three years , especially for those who work in State-owned enterprises and government-affiliated organizations , due to downward pressure on the economy .

  16. 虽然许多发达国家的金融市场已经稳定,但失业和生产能力利用不足继续上升,从而给全球经济带来了下行的压力。

    Even with the stabilization of financial markets in many developed economies , unemployment and under-utilization of capacity continue to rise , putting downward pressure on the global economy .

  17. 国际能源机构称:“由于当前正承受着来自金融体系的巨大压力,世界经济不需要接近创纪录高位的油价给消费支出和经济增长进一步增加下行压力。”

    The watchdog said : " with the current pressures from the financial system , the economy does not need additional downward pressure on consumer spending and growth from near record oil prices . "

  18. 随着经济全球化的加剧,国际跨国大公司越来越注重中国市场的开发,尤其是2008年世界经济危机发生后,国内企业也同样面临着经济下行压力。

    With the process of globalization , the international transnational corporations pay more and more attention to the development of the market in China , especially after the world economic crisis of 2008 , the domestic corporations are also facing the pressure of the economic decline .