
  1. 随着资本市场的发展,净收益信息的披露成为理论界研究的一个重要课题,相对于经营性收益,非经常性损益的披露一直存在着很大的争议。

    With the development of capital markets , disclosure of net information is an important subject of the theoretical circle . Compared to operating income , there has been considerable controversy about non-recurring gains and losses disclosed .

  2. 当前,竞技体育运动员和所在训练单位,就运动员获得的比赛奖金、捐赠赞助以及从事广告等经营性活动收益的归属问题,频频产生纠纷。

    Nowadays , some athletes frequently have conflicts with their training units on the ascription problems of their competition bonus , donates and advertisements incomes .

  3. 要提高收视率,实现频道经营的持续性收益,是一项建立频道品牌,创造品牌信用度的系统工程。

    It is a systematic job to build channel brand and create brand credit to raise the audience rating and achieve the sustainable revenue .

  4. 行政事业性国有资产的收益管理与经营性国有资产的收益管理是不同的,应该给予特别地重视并被赋予新的涵义。

    Revenue management of administrative institutional state-owned assets is different from the operational state-owned assets . Attentions should be paid and new meanings should be given to it .