
  • 网络Recurrent expenditure;current expenditure;overhead;running expenses
  1. 1978&2005年中国居民消费支出结构研究经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    The Research on Chinese Residents Consumption Payout Structure during 1978-2005 ; recurrent expenditure

  2. 每月所必须支付的经常费用,将连同佣金一并汇上。经常开支;经常开支;经常性费用;经常性费用;经常性支出;经常性支出

    Expenses will be paid monthly together with our commission remittance . recurrent expenditure

  3. 经常性支出的比重过大。

    The current expenditures are growing very quickly .

  4. 第一部分为正常的经常性支出,比如教育经费或军费,这部分将始终依靠税收支付。

    The first would be normal current expenditure , such as spending on teachers or soldiers , which would be always covered by revenue .

  5. 对巴西来说,这一趋势尤其明显:因为它增加了经常性支出的总额,而这就意味着要进一步削减长期投资方面的开支。

    The adjustment was particularly dramatic because Brazil had increased its current expenditures , and therefore needed to make even deeper cuts in long-term investment .

  6. 结果:所有参评县政府卫生投入总量显著增长,相比经常性财政支出仍然不足,且不同年份间政府卫生投入波动较大;

    Results : Total amount of government health investment has gained steady growth , but is still insufficient compared with expenditure , and health investment showed huge fluctuation cross three years ;

  7. 指被调查的城镇居民家庭在支付个人所得税、财产税及其他经常性转移支出后所剩下的实际收入。

    Refers to the income of the sample households which can be used for daily expenses , i.e * Total income minus income tax , property tax and other current transfers .