
jīnɡ jì xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ
  • Economic Administrative Law;administrative law of economy
  1. 随着行政法学研究的纵深发展,经济行政法逐渐成为行政法学界所关注的领域。

    As the development of the administrative laws deepens , the economic administrative law gradually becomes the focus of the administrative law field .

  2. WTO对经济行政法制度的影响

    On the Influence of WTO on the System of Economic Administrative Law

  3. 加入WTO对我国行政法制的影响是全面的,因为WTO规则主要是经济行政法规则。

    Owing to the administrating legality of WTO 's principle , the entry into WTO has an all - round influence over our country 's administrative legality .

  4. 在不同的领域,经济行政法冲突的激烈程度是不同的。

    Severity of conflict differs in different fields .

  5. 经济行政法涵义评析

    The analysis on economic administrative law

  6. GATT/WTO的争端解决机制处理了一些涉及经济行政法域外效力的案例。

    GATT / WTO dispute settlement body has accepted and dealt with several cases concerning extraterritoriality .

  7. 但经济行政法并不能对复杂多变的法人犯罪予以有效地遏止和制约。

    However , the economic administrative law cannot effectively hold back and restrict the complex and volatile corporation crimes .

  8. 现有经济行政法的概念存在不少问题,未能全面揭示经济行政法的性质。

    There are many problems in the existing concept of economic administrative law , such as without uncovering what is the nature of economic administrative law .

  9. 国际反倾销法属于国际经济行政法,是各国在对外贸易管制问题上相互让步,彼此协调的结果。

    As the international economic administration law , the international antidumping act is the result of mutual concession and coordination between different countries in foreign trade control .

  10. 民营经济的行政法问题及其改革

    Problems and Reform of Administrative Law of the Private Sector

  11. 知识经济与行政法的互动适应

    On Mutual Adjustment between Knowledge Economy and Administrative Law

  12. 中国经济法与行政法的混同:现实图景及原因背景分析

    On the Mix-Up of China 's Economic Law and Administrative Law

  13. 经济法与行政法理念之比较

    The comparison of the economic law and the administrative law

  14. 论经济法、行政法中的国家主体

    On the Country Body in Economic Law and Administrative Law

  15. 从一则案例看纳税人程序性权利的保障&兼论经济法、行政法中的刑事司法介入

    Discuss the Taxpayer Procedural Right Protection from One Case

  16. 经济法与行政法关系之精神透视

    The Spirit Perspective of Economic Law and Administrative Law

  17. 试析经济法与行政法的区分

    Difference between Economic Law and Administrative Law

  18. 本章的重点就在于对经济监管类行政法的效力来源的理论基础的讨论。

    The focus of this chapter is the sources of effectiveness of economic administrative law or regulation .

  19. 正确认识经济法与行政法等部门法的关系。

    Understanding the relationship amomg economic law , administrative law and statutes in other department correctly is significant .

  20. 经济法与行政法作为外在制度的表现形式应成为规制政府行为的法律。

    As the external manifestation , economic law and administrative law shall be the laws to regulate governmental actions .

  21. 本文从经济法与行政法产生背景和本质差异的角度来比较两部门法中国家主体的不同,认为在经济法中国家主体是积极主动、创造性的;

    The article compares the country body in Economic Law And Administrative Law from the essence and the social background .

  22. 分清经济法与行政法的不同之处,对于明确经济法的地位,促进经济法与行政法的有效实施,完成经济法学的学科使命,具有非常重要的意义。

    Distinguishing the difference between economic law and administration law is of great importance to the effective implementation of such laws and regulations .

  23. 第二部分,总结回顾了商业贿赂犯罪自从立法以来从经济法到行政法再到刑法的立法过程。

    Part two , Summaries and Reviews the legislative process of commercial bribery which comes from economic law , administrative law to criminal law .

  24. 农民利益需要宪法、经济法、行政法等诸多法律部门共同深护,特别需要经济法律制度提供支撑。

    It needs the common protection from legal departments such as constitution law . Economic law and Administrative Law , especially the support of Economic legal system .

  25. 个人信用、企业信用是民商法的调整范围,与民商法相对应的基本法的是经济法、行政法,经济法和行政法的关系是实体(经济法)和程序(行政法)的分工。

    Individual credit and enterprise 's credit belong to the scope of civil and commercial law . According with the civil and commercial law is the economy law , administrative law .

  26. 同样,单位成为犯罪主体必须具有相应的主体资格,即民法、公司法、企业法、经济法、行政法、宪法上的人格及刑法上的人格。

    Meanwhile , this company must have main competence in civil law , companies law , enterprise law , economic law and administrative law or personality in constitution and criminal law .

  27. 关于经济法与行政法的关系这一问题,多年来一直是法学界关注的话题。国内外法学界从不同角度对经济法与行政法的关系进行了探讨。

    The relation between economic law and administrative law has been the concern topic in the research field of law for long years , and it was discussed by scholars at home and abroad from different angles .

  28. 该部分从经济法、行政法和刑法上对医疗回扣行为的法律规制现状进行分析,并找出法律规制现状存在的缺陷与不足。

    The part analyzes the situation of the legal regulation on the medical commission from the economic law , administrative law and criminal law , and find out the defects and insufficient of the existing laws and regulations .

  29. 在这部分本文以法律为视角,从民法、经济法和行政法三个部门法出发,论述了解决矿产资源产权交易市场存在问题的对策。

    In this part , this article elaborates the solution of existence problems in the property right trade market of mineral resources with the law as the perspective from the civil law , economic law and administrative law of the three departments .

  30. 经济行政执法作为经济法法律适用的一种重要形式,直接关系着经济法的实施。

    The enforcement of economic administrative law as an important form of economic law is applicable directly to the implementation of economic law .