
  1. 但在对外贸易经营主体、外贸经营许可制、运用关税保护国内市场和保障措施规定等方面与WTO的规定有差距。

    However , they are different in the respect of foreign trade subject , the system of foreign trade license , the protection of domestic market by applying tariff and the provisions of securing measures .

  2. 在我国基础设施建设运营实务中,TOT项目融资模式实现了盘活资产存量,经营主体多元化,引进先进技术的目标。

    In operation of our country infrastructure construction , TOT financing mode achieve the goal about reinvigorating the stock and introducing advanced technology .

  3. 提高农业保险经营主体积极性的政策探讨

    Discussion about Policy Support on Improving Enthusiasm of Policy-guided Agricultural Insurance Organization

  4. 三是农业保险的经营主体很少。

    The third , the operating main body is absent .

  5. 3引入更多的土地经营主体,创新流转方式。

    Draw into more land management , innovate mode of land transfer .

  6. 逆选择、道德风险与农业保险经营主体创新

    Adverse Selection , Moral Hazard and Innovation on Agricultural Insurance Administrative Organization

  7. 煤炭经营主体多元化,煤炭流通市场化的经营格局正逐步形成;

    The business body is diversified and the market-oriented pattern is being formed .

  8. 从这些研究中,细化两大经营主体行为的不同,影响这些差异的根本性原因,就是影响主体行为的内部因素。

    From these studies , detailed the difference of the two subject behavior .

  9. 经营者作为市场经营主体应发挥基础性作用;

    As the operate-main bo dy , operator must play a basic role .

  10. 国际贸易中自然人的经营主体资格与作用

    On the Principal Qualification and Roles of the Natural Person in International Trade

  11. 论国家助学贷款的经营主体转换与补贴

    Transition of Operator and Subsidy of Government-Subsidized Student Loans

  12. 在线经营主体身份认证&论我国在线交易安全解决方案

    Authentication and Disclosure of Online Business Entities & The foundation of online transaction security

  13. 嘉兴市种子市场经营主体现状与发展对策

    Present Situation and Countermeasures of the Main Management Body of Seed Market in Jiaxing

  14. 城市经营主体刍议

    On Subjects in Market Management E City

  15. 论城镇经营主体及其职责

    Operators of a Town and their Duties

  16. 高速公路经营主体行为风险指标体系的构建

    A study on constructing risk index systems of subjects ' behavior in the operation of expressway

  17. 多元化的经营主体结构是日本城市轨道交通得以快速发展的根源所在;

    The Japanese urban mass transit develops very fast because the operation main structure is diversified .

  18. 杭州市种子管理体制改革后市场经营主体现状及发展对策

    Status and Development Countermeasures of Market Main Body of Hangzhou County After Seed Management System Reformed

  19. 重视农业生产经营主体对农业的投入电视盒应对电视信号升级的解决方案

    Stressing Farmers Self-investment in Agriculture ; The TV Box Deals with the TV Signal Promotes Solution

  20. 作为唯一市场经营主体的烟草商业企业,其市场竞争程度也日趋激烈。

    As a single market operator , the tobacco business company is faced with fierce competition .

  21. 对策:打破政府垄断,开放经营主体,引进竞争机制。

    Countermeasure : Break the monopoly of government , open business units and import competition system .

  22. 一套成熟的农业保险模式应当包括农业保险的经营主体和相关的配套措施。

    Comprehensive agricultural insurance system consists of two parts : the subject of business and supporting measures .

  23. 中国兵器工业集团公司是国家授权投资的机构和国有资产经营主体。

    CNGC is an investment organization authorized by the State and a performance subject of state-owned assets .

  24. 商业贿赂是在商业活动发展过程中,随着投资主体和经营主体分离而逐步出现的负面产物。

    Commercial bribery occurred during the commercial activities developing , following the separateness of investors and operators .

  25. 具有多元经营主体的矿产资源开发动态决策研究(Ⅱ)&系统模拟

    A Multi-stage Dynamic Decision-making Model of Mine Resources Exploitation with Many Running Units (ⅱ) - System Simulation

  26. 因此,创新农村市场主体和产业化经营主体十分必要。

    It is necessary to create a new market power and industrialization management body in our country .

  27. 在我国大力发展市场经济的今天,作为政府应该为各个经营主体提供公平的竞争舞台。

    In market economy , governor should offer the equal stage for all kinds of competitive entities .

  28. 船舶管理公司是航运市场上一种新型的经营主体,是近几十年来才发展起来的航运服务企业。

    As a new corporate body , the ship management companies have a deep development in the last decades .

  29. 我们应完善监管约束机制,加强对市场经济的经营主体规范和监管。

    We should perfect the system of supervising and controlling , intensify the standardization and supervision of market managing subject .

  30. 第二部分,充分论述了授权经营主体的相关内容。

    Part two , the author focused on the related issues of the main body of authorized management and operation .