
  • 网络economic freedom
  1. 从1980年起,加拿大菲莎研究所(FraserInstitute)开始编纂一个名为经济自由度(EconomicFreedom)的指数。这个指数是衡量一国法律体系和所有权状况的一个要素。

    Canada 's Fraser Institute has been compiling an ' Economic Freedom ' index since 1980 , one component of which is a measure of the quality of a country 's legal system and property rights .

  2. 真正的原因在于,美国拥有极大的经济自由度。

    It is that America has a lot of economic freedom .

  3. 最后,经济自由度或人均GDP相对较高的国家或地区的企业更愿意与中国企业进行合资。

    At last , the enterprises from the areas that economic freedom degree or GDP per capita are higher prefer to build joint ventures in China .

  4. 经济自由度是一种宝贵的资源,也是其他很多国家所欠缺的。

    This is a precious resource that many other countries lack .

  5. 经济自由度与经济发展

    Economy freedom degree and economy development

  6. 鉴于与上文描述的案件类似的状况,美国经济自由度指数近期的下滑就不足为奇了。

    In the light of a case like the one described above , there is nothing surprising about the recent decline in U.S. performance .

  7. 加拿大智囊组织弗雷泽学院公布的经济自由度指数显示瑞典和芬兰的经济自由度正在赶上美国(见图)。

    The economic-freedom index of the Fraser Institute , a Canadian think-tank , shows Sweden and Finland catching up with the United States ( see chart ) .

  8. 提高首位性城市的经济自由度和市场开放程度,增强首位性城市的竞争力和经济实力,大力发展服务业,对实现西部经济发展的目标具有重要意义。

    Furthermore , improving market prosperity of the primate city , enhancing its economic competition power , and expanding its service industry will have prominent effect on the western economy .

  9. 另外经济自由度的高低也会影响到分工对失衡的影响程度,越高的经济自由程度将导致经常账户不平衡的程度加深。

    In addition , the level of economic freedom also has effects , the higher the degree of economic freedom will lead to a further deterioration of the current account imbalances .

  10. 一些经济学家强调,穷人将成为推动社会变革的更强大的力量。发展中世界新涌现的消费人群也许在收银台上释放了巨大的新能量,但他们不太可能成为推动政府改良、扩大自由、打击腐败以及提升经济自由度的力量。

    Indeed , some development economists argue that the poor will be a greater force for social change , but their ability to become a force for better government , greater freedoms , less corruption , and more economic liberty is much less certain .

  11. 而随着女性在社会经济方面的自由度越来越大,她们在挑选丈夫时将更加挑剔。

    And women 's increasing socio-economic freedom makes them pickier when choosing a husband .

  12. 《国际生活》杂志主要根据九大因素得出了这一年度指数,其中包括:生活成本、文化休闲、经济、环境、自由度、健康、基础设施、安全风险和气候。

    To produce the annual index , International Living considers nine categories : Cost of Living , Culture and Leisure , Economy , Environment , Freedom , Health , Infrastructure , Safety and Risk , and Climate .

  13. 提出了必须从国情出发,切合实际的推行经济自由,健全法律法规和监督机制,以及加快转变政府职能等方面来扩大经济自由度,促进经济社会全面发展。

    Raised must be set off from the national situation , practical implementation of economic freedom , sound laws and regulations and supervisory mechanism , as well as speeding up the changes of government functions to extend economic freedom , to promote the all-round development of economy and society .