
  1. 国外成功经验对我国西部经济结构优化的启示

    Some Inspirations to West China Economical Structure Optimization from Foreign Successful Experience

  2. 西部地区经济结构优化之我见

    Thoughts over the Optimizing of the Economic Structure in the West Region

  3. 生态结构优化是经济结构优化的基础。

    The optimization of friendly-environmental structure is the basis of optimizing economic structure .

  4. 房地产业与区域经济结构优化应用研究

    Real Estate Industry and Urban Economic Structure Optimizing Research

  5. 人力资源结构上的合理配置是经济结构优化升级的重要保证。

    The rational allocation of human resources structure guarantees the intension of economic structure .

  6. 第二,调整招商模式,促进经济结构优化。

    Secondly , we can adjust the investment model , promote the economic structural optimization .

  7. 因教育而形成的人力资本对经济结构优化起着积极作用。

    Human capital formed by education plays a positive role in the optimization of economic structure .

  8. 在关注金融风险控制的基础上促进区域经济结构优化是金融机构的最优选择。

    Finally , financial institutions ' best choice is to support regional development with risk control .

  9. 安徽国有经济结构优化、升级对策研究

    Researches concerned with the measures for optimization and enhancement of the structure of the state-owned economy of Anhui Province

  10. 加快第三产业发展实现经济结构优化&安徽省第三产业发展中存在的问题及对策

    Quicken the third sector improve the economic structure & Existing problems in the development of the third sector of Anhui province and responding strategies

  11. 区域旅游具有优势互补、整体促销、规模效益、竞争能力提高、经济结构优化和旅游文化等优势,因此,发挥整体优势加强区域合作得到很多国家和地区的重视。

    Regional tourism has the advantage to repair with each other , promote sales , form scale performance , strengthen the competition ability , adjust economic structure etc ;

  12. 他表示,中长期规划目标要更加注重经济结构优化,引导各方面把工作重点放在提高发展质量和效益上。

    He says the medium - and long-term goals should more economic structure optimization in order to guide all parties and focus work on improving the quality and efficiency of development .

  13. 阐述了文化产业在促进社会经济结构优化与升级过程中发挥的巨大作用,用发展的观点剖析了内容产业和创意产业两种较有代表性的现代文化产业形式。

    Describes the important role of cultural industry in optimizing and upgrading the social economy structure , and analyzes two typical makeups of modern cultural industry : content industry and creative industry .

  14. 因此,不断提高居民收入,并根据形势变化调整民国收入分配政策导向,是促进经济结构优化升级的一个重要着力点。

    Therefore , increasing residents ' income continuously and at the same time restructuring national income allocation policy in accordance with changing situation are crucial key points to optimize economic structure in China .

  15. 文章主要讨论了美国、日本、韩国开发落后地区在经济结构优化方面取得的成功经验,以及对我国西部大开发中经济结构优化的启示。

    The paper chiefly deals with how America , Japan and Korea developed backward areas and gained successful experiences in economic structure optimization , and what inspiration we should get from what they have done .

  16. 推进结构性增长是落实科学发展观的必然结果,其本质是将要素投入的增长转向要素效率的增长,经济结构优化升级所带来结构效率将成为我国新型工业化的动力源泉。

    The implementation of the scientific development perspective will naturally require the promotion of structural growth , the essence of which is to shift the focal point of growth from factor investment to factor efficiency .

  17. 清洁生产作为一种世界公认的先进的、理性的生产方式是实现城市经济结构优化进而实现城市可持续发展的必由之路。

    The clean production , recognized as an advanced and rational form of production , is the only way to realize optimization of the urban economic structure and then the sustainable development of towns and cities .

  18. 房地产业在改善产业结构、拉动内需、扩大就业、促进经济结构优化升级等方面有着巨大的推动作用,是国民经济的支柱产业。

    The real estate industry in the improvement of the industrial structure , stimulating domestic demand , expanding employment , promote economic structure optimization has great impetus , and is pillar industry of the national economy .

  19. 开展小企业金融服务是银行支持小企业发展、推动经济结构优化和增长方式转变的有效途径,也是实现自身可持续发展的必然选择。目前小企业融资困境的形成。

    Financial service for small enterprises is not only an effective way to support their development , optimize economic structure and growth mode , but also a certain choice for the bank itself to maintain a sustainable development .

  20. 以容器厚度和加强筋个数为设计变量;约束条件为满足设计的强度要求,运用响应面方法将其显式化;建立造价最经济结构优化模型。

    Container stiffener thickness and the number of stiffeners are taken as design variables ; designing constraints is to meet the strength requirements , using response surface method to make it explicit ; establishing the most economical structure optimization model .

  21. 由此,引出长三角经济结构优化的三大焦点问题即布局问题、产业问题和可持续发展问题。

    However , to achieve a successful performance as the core in economic development , the Yangtze Delta area is confronting many problems one of which is optimization of the economic structure including three focal questions : the layout , industry and sustainability .

  22. 以约束阻尼结构各层厚度为设计变量;约束条件为满足环境标准规定的振动噪音上限值要求;建立造价最经济结构优化模型。

    Thickness of each layer of the constraint damping structure are taken as design variables ; meeting upper limit of the vibration noise required by the environmental standards is the designing constraint ; establish the most economical structure optimization model , which is a linear programming optimization .

  23. 序列二次规划求解优化模型,程序运行稳定,得到了较理想的减振降噪结构。(2)造价最经济结构优化设计。

    The new model with a signal objective of the vibration acceleration level of the structure is obtained , which is solved by the sequential quadratic programming stably and gives out the more ideal structure . ( 2 ) The optimal design for the most economical structure of cost .

  24. 通过无锡市高新技术产业竞争力的SWOT分析,为无锡高新技术产业的有序发展及无锡经济结构的优化调整提供了产业经济评价计量模型。

    It will be discussed in this article on how to optimize Wuxi 's economic structure and how to keep the development of new-high technology by SWOT analysis .

  25. 基于ESDA和CSDA的京津冀区域经济空间结构优化分析

    Optimization Analysis of Economic Spatial Structure of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on ESDA and CSDA

  26. 淮安市域经济空间结构优化的构想

    Tentative Ideas on Optimization of the Economic Spatial Structure in Huai'an

  27. 农业生态经济系统结构优化方法研究

    Structural optimization of agricultural eco-economic system with GIS and RS

  28. 社会主义初级阶段经济结构合理优化的思路分析

    On Optimization of Economic Structure at Initial Stage of Socialism

  29. 高新技术产业带动了经济结构的优化。

    Hi-tech industry has been driving the optimization of the economic structure .

  30. 农林生态经济系统结构优化决策支持系统研究

    Structure optimization support system for agriculture , forestry , ecological and economic system