
  1. 经济与伦理,在哲学的层面相通。

    Economy is connected with ethics on the level of philosophy .

  2. 经济与伦理结合的镜像:经济的伦理与伦理的经济

    The Combination Economy with Ethics : Economical Ethics and Ethical Economy

  3. 西方经济与伦理关系的历史演变

    The Evolution of the Relationship between Economy and Ethics in the West

  4. 略论经济与伦理张力的思想

    On the Thought of Tension between Economy and Ethic

  5. 经济与伦理的关系经过了一个历史的变化过程。

    The relation of economy and ethic has passed a historical process of change .

  6. 市场经济与伦理道德的几个理论问题

    Several Theory Questions of Market Economy and Morality

  7. 对市场经济与伦理精神二元背离的哲学思考

    The Deviation of Market Economy from Moral Spirit

  8. 〔摘要〕经济与伦理存在着间接或直接的依存关系。

    Abstract : There is a direct and indirect relationship between economy and moral principles .

  9. 追求公正:在经济与伦理之间

    Pursue Impartiality : Between Economy and Ethic

  10. 经济与伦理之间既相互对峙又相互支撑的关系构成了经济与伦理的张力。

    The mutual antinomy and support relations between ethic and economic form the tension of them .

  11. 略论消费经济与伦理道德

    On Consuming Economy and Moral Principles

  12. 经济与伦理的张力

    Tension of Economy and Ethic

  13. 在普遍层面上,它是人类社会的经济与伦理的一般关系。

    On the universal level , it is the general relation of economy to ethic in human society .

  14. 在西方,经济与伦理的关系大致经历了四个阶段,古希腊、罗马时期,以伦理为主导的经济与伦理的统一;

    There are four phases of the development of the relationship between economy and ethics in the West .

  15. 在古代的人类知识与智慧学说中,保持着经济与伦理原始样态的自然结合。

    In the ancient human knowledge and wisdom theories remains the natural union of the primeval economy and ethics .

  16. 亚当.斯密问题的实质是经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系问题。

    The essence of the " Adam Smith problem " is the relation between economics and ethics , economy and ethic .

  17. 从三个方面探讨经济与伦理的张力思想,首先探寻了经济与伦理张力思想的起源;

    The thought of tension between economy and ethic is investigated in three respects . Firstly , its origin is searched .

  18. 长期以来,经济与伦理的关系问题一直是中国管理的难题之一,也是当代社会的重要课题。

    The relationship between economy and ethics has long been regarded as one of the most difficult problems of management in China .

  19. 经济与伦理的互动和融合,需要经济学与伦理学的交流和合作。

    The interaction and combination of economy and morality is in urgent need of the communication and cooperation of economics and ethics .

  20. 重构经济学的伦理维度&对经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学关系的反思

    Restructuring the Ethic Dimensions of Economics : - Reflections on the Relationship of Economy and Ethic and that of Economics and Ethics

  21. 经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的关系是经济伦理学研究的重要课题。

    The relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics are the important problems of the study between economical ethics .

  22. 可持续发展战略的核心与最终目标是人类社会的持续发展,而经济与伦理是人类社会生活的双重空间。

    The core or the last objective sustainable is about the society development . Economy and ethics are two spaces of the society .

  23. 经济与伦理的结合促进了市场经济的发展,经济理性与道德理性能够达到辩证的有机统一。

    The combination of economy and ethics push forward the development of market economy , with possible dialectical integration of economic and ethical rationalism .

  24. 利益是经济与伦理结合的中介,经济的伦理和伦理的经济是经济与伦理结合的现实镜像。

    Benefit is the medium of economy integrate with morality , so the representation of this combination is the economical ethics and the ethical economy .

  25. 市场经济与伦理道德曾有自然结合,只是发展到了一定阶段后,才被分离,这是市场经济发展的缺陷。

    The natural integration between market economy and morality was separated from the development of market economy , which is a defect of the development of market economy .

  26. 在企业权利的来源和配置中,对人的主体性的认同源自于对人的生物性和社会性双重属性的肯定,它是公平与效率、经济与伦理的融合。

    This article introspects the characteristics of enterprise right system in effect , whose appearance is dual-polarization of shareholders , opportunism of managers and marginal of labor workers .

  27. 企业权利的配置应满足对各要素主体的主体性认同,这是效率与公平、经济与伦理的融合。

    The allocation of enterprise right should identify the subject nature of each essential factor and the identification is the fusion of fairness and efficiency , economy and ethics .

  28. 最后,在关于物的人格化及人的对象化原理的基础上,阐释了经济与伦理张力的辩证特征。

    And Finally , the dialectical characteristic of the tension between economy and ethic is explained on the basis of the principle of personification of matter and objectivization of human .

  29. 至于其可能性,则是从一致的发展要求的利益基础与经济与伦理的相关性的文化基础两个方面来考察的。

    As for the possibility of the universal economic ethics , the writer bases it on the interest of a consentaneous development and ethics and economy as civilization of relativity .

  30. 产生“亚当·斯密问题”的重要原因在于斯密本人对经济与伦理、经济学与伦理学的把握存在着矛盾。

    The important cause that formed the Adam Smith Problem lies in that Smith himself had a contradiction in grasping the relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics .