
  • 网络economic constitution
  1. 《反垄断法》在西方国家历来有经济宪法之称,可见其在市场经济活动中的重要地位。

    " Antitrust law " in the west country is called " economic constitution ", which is visible in the market economy activity important position .

  2. 反垄断法被称为经济宪法,是市场经济国家的根本经济法,它经历了百年的发展而逐渐走向成熟。

    Anti-monopoly law called the economic constitution is the fundamental economic law of market economy countries , which has undergone centuries of development into maturity .

  3. 论非公有制经济宪法保护的重大现实意义

    Practical significance of the constitutional protection of the non public-owned economy

  4. 谈非公有经济宪法地位的提升及新的诉求

    On the promotion of the constitutional position and new claim of the non-public economy

  5. 反垄断法素有经济宪法的美誉。

    Antitrust law has long been known as " the Constitution of the reputation economy " .

  6. 同时提出了反垄断法的经济宪法地位及其价值定位的终极哇、基本性。

    And meanwhile , the author points out that the antimonopoly law is an " economic constitution " and it 's value-orientation is ultimate and basic .

  7. 反垄断法被西方国家称为经济宪法,主要原因是反垄断法所维护的是竞争自由,完善的是有效竞争的市场结构,制止的是限制和排斥竞争的行为。

    Anti-monopoly law is called " Economic Constitution " mainly because it maintains free competition , perfects effective competition structure and prohibits restrict and excluding competition activities .

  8. 竞争文化的普及本身又能促进反垄断法的良好实施,使其真正发挥经济宪法的作用。

    And the competition culture will also contribute to the good implementation of the anti-monopoly law and finally to make it really functions as " Economic Constitution " .

  9. 为恢复有序竞争的市场条件,实现社会整体效益的提升,反垄断法作为经济宪法对垄断行为进行禁止和惩罚,当然这里的垄断行为还包含知识产权人滥用垄断权的行为。

    In order to recover the orderliness market condition and promote social efficiency , the antimonopoly law , which act as ' economic constitution ', prohibits and punishes the monopolistic actions .

  10. 第四部分:以德国《反限制竞争法》为例论述这一经济宪法在国家经济、社会生活中的具有的举足轻重地位,进一步阐明弗莱堡学派所主张的竞争秩序论。

    The last chapter , take Germany 's ' Law of Cartel ' as a example to elaborate this economic constitution plays a important role in the state economy and social life , further expounded the theories of competition order advocated by Freiburg school .

  11. 当然,要成为世界经济的宪法性制度,WTO还有待于在内部机构设置及权力配置、所涉领域、运作机制等方面进一步发展。

    On the other hand , to be the constitutional system for the world economy , WTO should improve and develop in it institutional setting power allocation governing sphere and functioning mechanism .

  12. 新加坡历史博物馆主要收藏新加坡的社会、经济、宪法和社区的历史。

    The museum 's collection is broadly divided into the social , economics , constitutional history and community history of singapore .

  13. 本章分析了企业基本经济权利宪法保障的前提条件,着重讨论了包括违宪审查制在内的宪法保障机制如何有效地保护企业基本经济权利。

    In this chapter , the author analyzes the premise for constitutional protection on enterprises ' basic economic rights , focusing on how constitutional protection system including constitutional review can effectively protect enterprises ' basic economic rights .

  14. 最后是对企业基本经济权利宪法保障的研究,这是实现企业基本经济权利保障的最根本环节和最重大领域。

    In the end , the author carries out research on constitutional protection on enterprises ' basic economic rights which is the most fundamental link and most important field to realize protection on enterprises ' basic economic rights .

  15. 第三部分在对我国经济制度宪法保障的问题及其原因的分析的基础上,提出加强和完善我国经济制度宪法保障的措施。

    The third part is based on the analysis of the problem and its reasons of our country 's constitutional guarantee on the economic system ; the author puts forward the measures of improving our country 's constitutional guarantee on the economic system .

  16. 论经济法的宪法基础

    Studies on Constitutional Base of Economic Law

  17. 第二节阐述了社会经济转型与宪法经济体制的关联。

    To elaborate the association of the socio-economic transition with the economic system in Section ⅱ .

  18. 从20世纪中期开始,在六十年的时间里,中国在经济制度和宪法上都经历了比较大的变化。

    During sixty years since 1949 , China has experienced large change in economic institution and constitution .

  19. 而发展市场经济、树立宪法意识、推动宪法进入诉讼则是构建实质权威的必需要件;

    Secondly , we should develop the market economy , establish the constitution awareness , and make the constitution sue system to construct the constitution authority in essence .

  20. 我国现行宪法对财产征用制度的规定,由于受计划经济体制和宪法理论与实践不发达的影响,存在重大缺陷:征用概念要件缺失;何为公共利益尚无明确界定;

    The present constitution in China has great imperfection in establishing the system of requisition of private property because of the influence of the planned economic system and the imperfection of constitution .

  21. 在必要性分析后,文章论述了我国社会主义市场经济建设是宪法司法化的动力之源。

    So it is quite necessary for us to have the constitution judicialization . Secondly , the thesis expounds that the construction of the market economy of our country is the power source of the constitution judicialization .

  22. 其次,分析了经济全球化与中国宪法秩序构建的关联。

    Second , it analyzes the association of the economic globalization with the construction of the constitutional order in China .

  23. 作为具有市场经济国家的经济宪法之称的反垄断法,素以维护自由竞争,极力反对阻碍或限制竞争的行为为其使命。

    Anti-monopoly law is regarded as " economic constitution " in market economy countries , which holds the banner of free competition and strongly opposes behaviors of impeding or restricting competition .

  24. 反垄断法被誉为市场经济国家的经济宪法,反垄断民事责任制度则是反垄断法顺利实施并实现其法律价值的重要保障。

    The antimonopoly law is honored as the economic constitution of market economy countries . The system of civil liability of antimonopoly law is a vital safeguard for the execution and the value of antimonopoly law .

  25. 反垄断法是各国保护竞争政策、促进经济发展的基石,有经济宪法的美称。

    Anti-monopoly law is the cornerstone that countries apply to protect competition policy , to promote economic development .

  26. 本文根据详实的资料,全面分析了在经济全球化的不同发展阶段,经济全球化对宪法的巨大推动作用。

    This article according to the detailed material , overall analysis in economic globalization different development phase , economic globalization to constitution huge promotion effect .

  27. 反垄断法律制度在一个国家经济发展中起着极为重要的作用,素有“经济宪法”之称。

    The Anti-trust law system has got the extremely important function in a national economy development , it is be believed as " Economic Constitution " by many people .

  28. 从法律逻辑角度分析,如果宪法有必要保护公民的基本经济权利,那么相对于更为重要的企业而言,其基本经济权利宪法保护的必要性不言自明。

    From the perspective of legal logic , if it is necessary to protect citizens ' basic economic rights , it is self-evident to protect enterprises ' basic economic rights , because it is more import compared with citizens .

  29. 在实行市场经济的国家,反垄断法是经济法的核心,被称为经济宪法,是市场经济中规制垄断的基本方法。

    Antimonopoly law is considered the centre of economic law in a market economic country . It is reputed to be the " Constitutional " in the field of economy . Antimonopoly law is the fundamental measure to control monopoly in the market economy .

  30. 反垄断法被称为市场经济秩序的总纲,在经济法体系中占有核心地位,是一国的经济宪法。

    The anti-monopoly law is referred to as the general program of market economics order . It not only plays a central role in the body of economic law , but also is " The Economic Constitution " of one country .