
  1. 第三章考察国外宏观调控权的配置。

    Chapter three reviews the macro-control power configuration of foreign countries .

  2. 第二章研究宏观调控权配置的含义及其理论基础。

    Chapter two studies the macro-control power configuration and the theory basis .

  3. 它是一个国家政府权力的重要组成部分,具体包括市场主体资格控制权、市场秩序维持权、宏观调控权以及经济立法权等。

    It constitutes an important part of government power .

  4. 宏观调控权的法律解析

    Legal Approach to Macro - Control Power

  5. 从而形成对宏观调控权运用的全面法律规制,实现宏观调控法治化。

    Thus the comprehensive legal regulation of macro-control power can formate , macro-control can be ruled by law .

  6. 宏观调控权、宏观调控行为是整个宏观调控法领域的核心内容,两者的运行依赖于完善的宏观调控程序。

    Macro-control power and macro-control behavior is the core of macro-control laws , whose implementation depends on a sound and well-developed macro-control procedure .

  7. 在法律控权论语境之中,宏观调控权法律控制,是指通过法律规定驾驭、支配宏观调控权的措施。

    The legal control of macro-control power in the context of legal control view means formulating the measures of governing and controlling macro-control power .

  8. 宏观调控权作为宏观调控法学的核心范畴,对其性质的理解关乎整个理论体系的架构。

    Macro-economic control power is the core category of macro-economic control law , the definition of which influence the theoretical construction of macro-economic control law .

  9. 宏观调控权作为经济法的核心概念,无论在理论研究还是实践应用上,都是一个颇具争议的热点问题。

    The macro-control power , being a core economic law concept , has caused heated disputation as it was examined in theory or applied into practice .

  10. 国家拥有公民合法让渡的权利,自然负担起管理国家、保护公民经济权利的职能,因而宏观调控权必然归属于国家。

    Countries with civil legal guaranteed rights , natural afford to manage state and protection of citizens ' economic rights , so macro-control function of right inevitable attributable to the country .

  11. 经济权力在这里主要是指国家经济调制权,它由市场规制权和宏观调控权构成。

    The economic power means mainly here that the power of the economic modulation . It is formed by the power of the market regulation and the power of the macro-adjustment and control .

  12. 首先,通过对已有理论的比较分析,界定了宏观调控权的内涵,并将宏观调控权从外延上界定为决策权、执行权和监督权。

    Firstly , on the basis of research on existing theories , the author makes the definition of macro-control power , which divided in to decision-making power , the executive power , and supervisory power .

  13. 而对于同样是对宏观调控权运用的宏观调控执行行为则可以根据其不同性质,分别由行政法、民法、刑法等法律予以规范。

    While for the same using behavior , macro-control execution action , can be ruled by the administrative law , civil law , criminal law and other legal norms according to the different nature of behaviors .

  14. 但是对于宏观调控权配置法律问题的研究,目前学术界还存在着比较大的分歧,这势必会影响到我国宏观调控体系的完善以及我国宏观调控政策的贯彻实施。

    But for macro-control right allocation of legal issues , the current academic circles there is still a relatively large differences , which is bound to affect the improvement of macro-control system and our implementation of macro-control policies .

  15. 宏观调控权是现代市场经济阶段才产生的一种新型国家经济权力&国家经济调节权;它与中观调控权是整体性权力与局部性权力的关系。

    Macro-control power is a new type of national economic power-the power of national economic adjustment at the stage of modern market economy ; and its relationship with the micro-control power is one of integral power with partial power .

  16. 第一部分为引言,主要阐述本文的选题背景、研究的意义以及通过研究所要达到的目的;第二部分为宏观调控权配置的概念解读。

    The first part is an introduction , the main topic of this article describes the background , meaning and purpose to be achieved through research ; second part of macro-control right allocation rights and the concept of macro-control interpretation .

  17. 目前国内在理论研究上出现了将宏观调控权定位为决策权、决策权与执行权、宏观调控权应当集中于中央等学术观点。

    At present , the macro-control power is defined theoretically in some academic researches as the power of " decision making power " or of " decision making and executing power ", and " macro-control power should be concentrated into the central government " .

  18. 因此,本文试图对宏观调控权的基本问题进行探讨,主要包括:宏观调控权的产生和权源、概念、特征、性质、目标、配置、行使以及和相关经济管理权力的协调和互动等。

    Therefore , this paper tries to analyze the basic issues of Macro-Control Power , mainly including : the production , source , concept , characteristic , nature , object , collocation and exercise of Macro-Control Power , and its coordination and interaction with relevant economic management power , etc.

  19. 在宏观调控法领域,宏观调控权往往被认为是一个核心范畴,因为整个宏观调控法,都是围绕着宏观调控权的分配、行使、监督等问题展丌的。

    It is generally idea that the power for macro-control is the core in macro-control law concept . Because the macro-control law is about how to distribute , executive and supervise the power .

  20. 论宏观调控权力权利化&宏观调控权之法理学解读

    On the Transformation of Macro-Control Power into Right & unscrambling the jurisprudence of Macro-Control Power

  21. 其中,通过法律将宏观调控权力予以分解的方式,是宏观调控权法律控制的主要方式。

    Among them , the manner of dividing macro-control power through the law is the main way of the legal control of macro-control power .

  22. 宏观调控法的研究也越来越受到法学界的重视,但作为宏观调控法基本范畴的宏观调控权还未引起法学界足够的关注。

    Nevertheless macroeconomic regulation right has not aroused enough concern in the circle of law study as a basic category of macroeconomic regulation law .