
  • 网络Economics Experiments
  1. 论经济学实验的科学设计

    Scientific Design of Economics Experiments

  2. 设计科学的经济学实验,是想采用实验方法进行研究的经济学家所必须面对的首要问题。

    The design of economics experiments is the primary problem that economists who want to conduct an experimental investigation will confront with .

  3. 经济学实验和仿真为经济学研究的两种方法。

    Economic experiment and simulation are two different research methods in economics .

  4. 关于经济学实验教学中心环境建设问题的研究

    The study about environment construction for experimental center of economics

  5. 经济学实验教学手段开发的可行路径

    Practical Path of Developing Experimental Teaching Means in Economics

  6. 让步策略在谈判中的作用:讨价还价模型的一次经济学实验

    Function of Concession Behavior in Negotiation : A Experiment in the Bargaining model

  7. 你也许会奇怪,为什么有人认为不可能进行经济学实验。

    You might be wondering why anyone would suggest that economic experiments are impossible .

  8. 以经济学实验研究处罚机制对排污收费政策执行的影响

    Effects of penalty design on enforcing pollution levy program : based on ecological experimental analysis

  9. 计量经济学实验教学模式改革研究

    Research on Econometrics Experimental Teaching Reform

  10. 教学大纲约束下经济学实验与经济理论教学均衡选择

    On Equilibrium of Choice between Experiments Teaching and Theory Teaching of Economics under Teaching Syllabus of Economics

  11. 经济学实验方法不仅在理论上取得了丰富的成果,而且也解决了一些实际问题。

    Economics experiment method is in not only theoretic fetched substantial gain , and also solved a few real problems .

  12. 第六至八章构成了第四部分,介绍金融工程和经济学实验方法在电力市场定价中作用。

    Chapter 6-8 form part 4 , it introduces applications of Financial Engineering and Economic Experiment on electricity market pricing .

  13. 我们采用经济学实验研究方法构建了信息不对称的实验室资本市场,研究信息是否可以通过市场迅速传递。

    We use experimental methods to conduct experimental capital markets under asymmetric information and address whether information can transfer immediately in markets .

  14. 资本市场实验的设计除了要满足经济学实验设计的一般准则之外,还需考虑资本市场实验的具体要求。

    Except the common principles that all economics experiments need follow , the designing of capital market experiments should take the specific aspects into consideration .

  15. 然而,正如在经济学实验中的参与者在放弃他们的咖啡杯时会犹豫一样,经济学家们似乎也不愿意利用这些机会。

    However , like the hesitation of participants in economic experiments to give up their coffee mugs , economists appear reluctant to take advantage of these opportunities .

  16. 本文选择资本市场的实验研究作为论题,系统地采用经济学实验研究方法对资本市场展开尝试性的研究。

    This dissertation selects the experimental study of asset markets as the research thesis . We use experimental methods to address tentative study on asset markets systematically .

  17. 《行为经济学与实验经济学:它们真的正在改变经济学吗?》。

    Behavioural and experimental economics : are they really transforming economics ?; a C.Santos .

  18. 近年来,行为经济学、实验经济学的发展使经济学家们逐步把目光转向经济发展的微观层面去探索经济主体的行为对经济发展的影响。

    Because of the development of Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics in recent years , more and more economists focus on the economic development at micro level , to explore the influence of behavior of micro subjects on the economic development .

  19. 这多少是一种,在行为经济学中的实验。

    It was kind of an experiment , somewhat in behavioral economics .

  20. 微观计量经济学中的实验设计法&期望计量经济(学)设计与分析的出现

    Methodology of Experimental Design in Micro-Econometrics : Expecting the Appearance of Micro-Econometric Design and Analysis

  21. 实验经济学利用经济学实验检验已有的经济理论,发现新的经济规律。

    Experimental economics uses economics experiments to verify existing economic theories and discover new economic laws .

  22. 首先,我们设计并组织了一系列行为经济学的真人实验,找到了看不见的手存在的证据。

    First , we design and conduct a series of behavioral economic experiments and demonstrate the existence of the " invisible hand " .

  23. 本文以实验室社会经济学的博弈实验为研究对象,对最大熵原理首次进行了检验。

    In this paper , in the lab experiments of social economics games , the maximum entropy principle was tested for the first time .

  24. 对这种行为的解释,最前沿的研究是神经元经济学,限于实验条件的有限,对此只进行简单的综述。

    On the interpretation of such acts , the most cutting-edge research is the neuron economics , limited by experimental condition , there just have a simple summary .

  25. 文章首先简要评说了早期行为经济学的动物实验和认知心理学,认为人的选择行为是理性和非理性的同构;

    First this thesis comments briefly animal experiments in early behavior economics and perceive psychics , and deems that human choice behaviors are the isomorphism of rationality and irrationality ;

  26. 行为经济学的一个实验很好地说明了这个问题。

    One experiment in behavioural economics nicely illustrates the problem .

  27. 新古典经济学在中国转型实验中的作用有限

    Limitations of Neoclassical Economics in Transition Experiments

  28. 史密斯所创立的实验经济学,通过实验室实验来测试根据经济学理论做出预测。

    Vernon Smith 's experimental economics can test the predict based on the economic theory by using the laboratory experiments .

  29. 但是,经济学的理论、实验及实际经验都表明:在最不乐观的形势下,当死敌认识到相互间无法摆脱,最终也会找出办法相处。

    Yet economic theory , experiment and practical experience all suggest that in the most unpromising situations , the bitterest adversaries find a way to get along when they are stuck with each other .

  30. 2002年诺贝尔经济学奖授予了实验经济学之父史密斯,表明实验方法己为主流经济学所推崇,成为经济学研究中不可替代的方法。

    Known as the " Father of Experimental Economics " , Dr. Smith was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in economics . This indicates Experimental Methods has been canonized by Mainstream Economics , and become irreplaceable methods in economic study .