
jīng qī yán cháng
  • menostaxis
经期延长[jīng qī yán cháng]
  1. 育龄妇女放置宫内节育器(IUD)是临床上最常用的避孕方法,但置IUD后可致月经量多、经期延长等出血副反应。

    IUD is the most widely used intrauterine device method for women of childbearing age . But it can cause side reactions such as hyper menorrhea and menostaxis , etc.

  2. 王鹭霞主任经过长期临床实践,认为经期延长主要病机为肝气郁滞,瘀血内阻。

    Director Wang Luxia believes that the main pathogenesis of menostaxis is liver Qi stagnation , blood stasis .

  3. 结论:清经散加减能够有效的治疗放置IUD后的血热型经期延长,且能明显的改善相关临床症状,具有良好的调经效果,值得推广。

    Conclusion : The addition and subtraction can be effectively cleared by the casual treatment of IUD-induced menstrual Blood Heat longer , and can significantly improve the clinical symptoms , regulating menstruation has a good effect , it is worth promoting .

  4. Ⅱ型患者13例,已婚11例,年龄15~33岁,阴道流液、流脓及经期延长为主要临床表现,占69%(9/13),阴道壁肿块占62%(8/13),直径3~10cm;

    13 patients were type ⅱ, among them 11 cases married , from 15 to 33 years old , main clinical signs were that the vagina flowed liquid and purulence and the menstruation prolonged ;

  5. 主诉主要是不规则出血、闭经、经期延长。

    The main complaints were irregular bleeding , amenorrhoea and prolonged bleeding .

  6. 临床表现为经量过多、经期延长、继发性痛经渐进性加重。

    The amount of clinical manifestations of excessive menstruation , dysmenorrhea secondary progressive increase .

  7. 经期延长11-15天症状的发生率在五个证型之间无显著性差异。

    The occurrence of prolonged menstruation ( 11-15 days ) showed no significant difference among the 5 syndromes .

  8. ⑷脾不统血证:便血、经期延长、大便色黑、斑、呕血。

    ⑷ Spleen failing to control blood Syndrome : hematochezia , menostaxis , black stool , spot , hematemesis .

  9. 16例有月经增多、经期延长史,6例有牙银出血史,4例有皮下出血点,4例皮下瘀血癍史,其余均正常。

    16 menostaxis and hypermenorrhea , 6 gingival bleeding , 4 subcutaneous hemorrhage , 4 ecchymoma , the others normal .

  10. 在生育年龄主要表现为月经过多、经期延长或不孕,绝经后则表现为不规则阴道出血。

    Prolonged bleeding or sterility to the women of childbearing age , and causes irregular vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women .

  11. 本文对30例上环后致阴虚血热型经期延长进行了系统的观察。

    In this paper , 30 cases of the ring caused by deficiency of blood after the hot-type menstrual extend a systematic observation .

  12. 用于气虚血瘀引起的月经量多、经期延长、腹痛、有血块;排卵型功能性子宫出血月经过多见上述症状者。

    It can be used for high menstrual flow , prolonged menstruation , abdominal pain and blood clots which are caused by qi deficiency and blood stasis .

  13. 此病的主要临床表现是继发性痛经伴进行性加重、经量过多、经期延长,少数患者会有不孕。

    The main clinical manifestations of the disease are secondary dysmenorrhea with progressive aggravation , overmuch menstrual blood volume , prolonged bleeding , and a minority of patients with infertility .

  14. 方法对16例以月经量增多、经期延长为主要症状的子宫肌瘤患者,通过超选择性双侧子宫动脉插管,用直径350~500μm的真丝微粒将子宫动脉栓塞。

    Methods Bilateral uterine arterial embolization with silk particles of 350 ~ 500 μ m was performed in 16 cases of uterine leiomyomas with uterine hemorrhage as the main complaint .

  15. 子宫异常出血是宫腔内良性病变的主要症状,可表现为:月经血量增多、经期延长、不规则阴道流血、接触性出血及少数绝经后阴道流血和阴道排液等。

    The main symptom is abnormal uterine bleeding , including menorrhagia , irregular vaginal bleeding , prolonged menstrual period , contact bleeding , postmenopausal vaginal bleeding , vaginal discharge and so on .

  16. 结果最大肌瘤体积术后6个月和12个月分别平均缩小52%和53%,月经过多、腹痛腹胀及尿频缓解明显,而月经周期缩短、经期延长改善不明显。

    Results The mean reductions in dominant fibroids of 6 months and 12 months later were 52 % and 53 % . The significant improvement were reported for menorrhagia , pain , urinary frequency .

  17. 现代医家在继承前辈治疗经期延长经验的基础上,又开辟了新的辨证思路,结合月经周期分期治疗,并辅以穴位贴敷、针灸等外治法,总结了许多新的治疗经验。

    Based on inheriting the predecessors treating menostaxis experience , modern TCM doctor create new ideas to treatment menostaxis according to menstrual cycle stage , combined with acupoint , acupuncture therapy , summed up a lot of new therapeutic experience .

  18. 西医采用抗菌、止血剂治疗,疗效不满意,此病正属于中医学中的月经先期、月经过多、经期延长、赤带等范畴,因此中医药对其研治具有广阔的前景。

    Western use of antibacterial , hemostatic agent treatment efficacy are not satisfied with the disease are belong to Chinese medicine in the pre-menstruation , menorrhagia , menstrual extended in areas such as red zone , so its research governance of Chinese medicine will have broad prospects .

  19. 结果87.2%的PPROM存在易发因素,其中129例患者经期待治疗延长胎龄21~336h,平均84.3h。

    Results : 87.2 % of the cases had high risk factors of PPROM . 129 cases of them prolonged pregnant period 21-336h , average 84.3h .

  20. 高温组月经异常患病率(4195%)高于对照组(2667%,P<001),月经异常主要表现为痛经、经期缩短和周期延长。

    The prevalence of menoxenia in exposed group ( 41 95 % ) was also found to be significantly higher than that in control group ( 26 67 % , P < 0 01 ) . Menorrhagia , shortening or lengthening of menstrual cycle were the primary manifestation of menoxenia .

  21. 对上海市1528名VDT操作女工月经和妊娠状况调查,发现月经周期、经期和经量异常发生率高于对照组,其中经期延长,经量增多具有统计学意义(P<0.0001)。

    We investigated 1528 VDT women operators , menses and pregnancy in Shanghai . The result was found that the rate of irregular menstruation in exposure group is significant higher than that in control group ( P < 0.0001 ) .