
  • 网络the principle of economic sovereignty
  1. 经济全球化下的经济主权原则之坚守与创新

    Holding Fast to and Innovating the Principle of Economic Sovereignty in Economic Globalization

  2. 透过现象看本质,该争端的实质涉及到WTO规则与国家经济主权原则间的博弈。

    Seeing the essence through the phenomena , the essence of the dispute involves struggles between the WTO rules and the principle of national economic sovereignty .

  3. 国家经济主权原则首当其冲受到挑战。

    The principle of national economic sovereignty was the first to be challenged .

  4. 经济主权原则的发展趋向论析

    On the Evolutional Tendency of Economic Sovereignty

  5. 首先从自由贸易区制度构建的理论基础入手,分别阐述公平互利原则、国家经济主权原则和国际合作原则对自由贸易区建立的指导意义。

    It started from an elaboration of the theoretical foundation of the establishment of the FTA , expounding the role of the principles of equality and mutual benefit , national economic sovereignty and international cooperation .

  6. 经济主权原则和有约必守原则是国际经济法的基本原则,公平互利原则和全球合作原则只是具体原则。

    Principle of economic sovereignty and principle of abiding by agreements are general principles of international economic law . Nevertheless , principle of mutual benefit and principle of global collaboration are principles of specific fields in international economic law .

  7. 表现为经济主权原则指涉的重心发生变化,经济主权原则中的权利与义务的平衡受到各国的普遍重视、经济主权的让渡与共享、经济主权的强化与弱化趋势并存。

    The balance of rights and obligations in economic sovereignty has been paid heed to by all countries ; and there appears a tendency of the coexistence of yielding and sharing , along with strengthening and weakening of economic sovereignty .

  8. 经济全球化与国家主权原则既存在互动相关性,又存在异质性与同质性。

    There is a reciprocal relation between the economic globalization and the principle of state sovereignty .