
  1. 经治重型β地中海贫血的股骨骨髓MR成像分析

    MR imaging of femoral marrow in treated β - thalassemia major

  2. 经治肺结核的X线平片与螺旋CT的对照研究

    The contrastive study of X-ray film and spiral computed tomography in the pulomonary tuberculosis after antituberculous chemotherapy

  3. 经治无效NGU解脲脲原体药物敏感性分析

    Drug Sensitivity Analysis of Ureaplasma Urealyticum ( UU ) in Nongonococcal Urethritis ( NGU ) after Treatment

  4. 方法收集并分析国内1992~1997年报告的48例和我院经治的4例,共52例局部切除治疗Vater壶腹癌的临床资料。

    Methods Four cases of carcinoma of ampulla of Vater treated in our hospital by local tumor resection and 48 cases reported in Chinese medical literature in 1992 ~ 1997 were analyzed .

  5. 方法对作者在坦桑尼亚多多马省地区医院经治的32例艾滋病患者进行临床综合分析。

    Method 32 cases of patients with AIDS are analyzed .

  6. 方法对经治的93例患者疗效进行总结和比较。

    Summarize and compare the93 cases of severe acute pancreatitis .

  7. 9例经治后痊愈出院,1例死于肝昏迷。

    Cases fully recovered after proper treatment , while 1 case died of hepatic coma .

  8. 方法:报告经治的前列腺增生症并发腹股沟疝18例的临床资料。

    Methods : Clinical data of 18 cases of benign prostate of hyperplasia and Groin hernia .

  9. 方法:回顾分析1988至2001年间经治的第一鳃裂瘘管97例的临床资料。

    Method : 97 cases ( 102 ears ) with first branchial fistula were analysed retrospectively .

  10. 方法:对1980年至1999年经治的16例副乳腺肿瘤的临床和病理资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : Clinical and pathological data of 16 cases of accessory breast tumors were analyzed retrospectively .

  11. 方法:分析3类常用技术经治FTR57例。

    Methods : Treatments for 57 patients suffering from FTR with 3 types of common techniques were analysed .

  12. 方法:通过所经治的10例临床活体肝部分移植术患儿,报告了口腔粘膜病变的特点。

    Methods : The characters of oral mucosa diseases were studied in 10 cases of partial liver transplantation in children .

  13. 结果:经治东宝肝泰组降血脂作用显著,而转氨酶无明显变化。

    Results : With treatment , blood fat was obviously lowered in Dongbao Gantai group without obvious changes of transaminase .

  14. 方法通过对经治32例放射性肺炎的临床表现、治疗方法及预后、中医辨证分型及治法进行回顾性分析。

    Method Make retrospective analysis on the clinical symptoms , treatment and prognosis , TCM differentiation types of32 cases of radio pneumonia .

  15. 在经治的无以数计的多发病与常见病的同时,对治疗耳鼻喉科疑难杂病亦有较深造诣。

    By the administration without a few of the common diseases and frequently-occurring disease , the treatment ENT Miscellaneous Diseases hasgreat attainments .

  16. 方法回顾性分析2000~2002年间经治的ACS6例的临床资料。6例中4例行急诊腹腔减压并治疗原发疾病。

    Methods Clinical data of 6 patients with ACS caused by a variety of diseases from January 2000 to December 2002 were retrospectively analyzed .

  17. 缬沙坦对经治慢性肾炎患者的尿蛋白及血清TGF-β1的影响

    The Effect of Valsartan on Decreasing Proteinuria and Serum Transforming Growth Factor Beta ( TGF - β 1 ) Levels in the Treated Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis

  18. 制定自我观察日记,事先由经治医生给予必要的辅导,内容包括服药后出现的不适反应及出现的时间。

    Patients made self-observation diary , in advance by the treating physician to give the necessary counseling , including drug reactions and appearance time of discomfort after receive treatment .

  19. 在临床疗效上,经治成员均对活血化瘀中药有较好的反应性,且安全有效,值得进一步推广和深入研究。

    Clinical efficacy , the economic governance of the members of the Chinese Traditional Medicine has good reactivity , and safe , effective and worthy of further promotion and in-depth study .

  20. 方法以日本京都大学经治的9例活体肝部分移植供者为对象,对供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存等方面进行观察。

    Methods Nine cases of partial living related donor liver transplantation in Kyoto University served as subjects . The donor liver perfusion time and method , and preparation and preservation were studied .

  21. 本文调查分析了我院1990~1994年经治的1388例未婚人工流产女青少年的客观情况和180例的主观因素。

    Patients with artificial abortion of unmarried juvenile women were treated in our hospital from 1990 to 1994 . Objective situation in all cases and subjective factors of 180 cases were analyzed .

  22. 它不仅是医疗质量最集中的反映,也是评价经治医生的文化素质和业务水平,医疗业务能力的依据。

    It is not only the most centralized reflection o the medical quality , but also the basis of governing the doctors cultural quality , their professional level , and evaluating professional ability of medical service .

  23. 我院自1973年到1983年底共手术治疗253例Ⅰ期乳腺癌,占经治可手术女性乳腺癌2665例的9.5%。

    During the period of 1973-1983,253 patients with stage I breast cancer were treated by surgery . They accounted for 9.5 % of 2665 cases of primary breast cancer treated at this hospital during the same period .

  24. 方法:收集本院口腔颌面外科经治的老年口腔癌患者59例,对其合并系统性疾病及围手术期处理,进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : 59 aged oral carcinoma patients complicated with systemic diseases received surgery operation in oral and maxillary department of stomatological hospital of Jiangsu province . Clinical data of the 59 cases were reviewed and analyzed retrospectively .

  25. 本文根据作者经治发生于下颌骨的4个恶性血管内皮与外皮瘤病例,结合文献复习,探讨其临床病理特点、诊断治疗与预后等问题。

    Combining experience in treating 4 patients with hemangioendothelioma or hemangiopericytoma in mandibles with literature review , the authors gave the two types of the angiosarcoma a discussion about their clinical and pathological feature , treatment , prognosis , etc.

  26. 影响病人总评分的关键因素是护士的技术水平、等候手术时间、经治医生检查是否认真负责、病房的整洁安静程度和是否有乱收费现象等指标。

    The key factors that affected the patient ′ s satisfaction were the nurse ′ s technique , the waiting time of surgical operation , the responsibility of the doctor , the cleanliness and quietness of ward , and the reasonableness of charge .

  27. 疗效判定标准:恢复正常:颈椎病及诸伴随的胃肠道症状与体征完全消失,辅助检查正常或有改善,1年未复发或复发经治仍有效者;

    Determining criteria : Recovery : Symptoms and physical signs of cervical-gastric syndrome were ameliorated absolutely , and the results of assisted examinations were normal or absolutely ameliorated . It had not recurred for 1 year or it could be recovered by this therapy if it recurred .

  28. 对于有外邪侵袭者,可从膀胱经论治。

    Invasion of exopathogens can be treated from the urinary bladder channel .

  29. 《内经》治未病思想对延缓女性衰老作用的探讨

    Investigation of preventive treatment in Huangdi Neijing on postponing senility for woman

  30. 《内经》治未病说探源

    Exploration of Origin on Theory of Treat Diseases Before Onset in Inner Canon