
xì bāo jué dìnɡ
  • cell determination
  1. 睾丸特异抗原C2B细胞抗原决定簇的定位

    Identification and B cell Epitope Mapping of Testis Specific Antigen C 2

  2. Th细胞分化决定免疫应答的性质。

    The differentiation of T helper cells ( Th cells ) decides the nature of immunological responses .

  3. Numb作为细胞命运决定蛋白最早在果蝇中被发现。

    Numb was originally discovered as a cell fate determinant in Drosophila .

  4. 膜相关蛋白Numb是细胞命运决定因子。

    Membrane associated protein Numb is the cell fate determinant in these cell divisions .

  5. Notch是一个进化上十分保守的跨膜受体蛋白家族,对无脊椎动物和脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞命运决定起重要作用。

    The Notch receptor is an evolutionarily conserved single-span transmembrane protein family and plays key roles in a wide variety of cell fate decisions during development of both invertebrate and vertebrate species .

  6. 果蝇的SINA蛋白在眼睛R7感光细胞命运决定过程中起着关键的作用。

    SINA protein is critically involved in regulating the cell fate decision of R7 photoreceptor cell in Drosophila eyes .

  7. 已知LC是皮肤中最重要的抗原递呈细胞,决定了皮肤组织的免疫反应特征,是异体皮肤移植后发生免疫排斥的主要原因;

    As well know , LC is mostly important antibody precent cell , and it decide character of immunity reaction in the tissue of skin , it is also main reason of immunity exclude reaction after transplant variant skin .

  8. 盘基网柄菌中分化诱导因子信号与细胞命运决定

    DIF Signalling Pathways and Cell-Fate Determination in Dictyostelium discoideum

  9. 移植前AS30D肝癌细胞状态决定其移植后在大白鼠体内的生长周期

    Pre-transplant Status of AS-30d Hepatoma Determines in Vivo Growth Period after Transplantation in Sprague-dawley Rat

  10. 组织中的细胞如何决定它们将会起什么样的作用,进而决定我们的人体结构的。

    how cells in a tissue determine what role they 're going to take on and set the patterns of our bodies .

  11. 最终使有丝分裂中纺锤体方向及细胞命运决定子的不对称定位协调而发生特定方式的细胞分裂。

    Through coordination of spindle orientation and asymmetric localization of cell - fate determinants in mitosis , they eventually lead to special mode of cell division .

  12. 希尔伯特的可判定性问题,并不是指物理、化学,或生物细胞的决定论。

    It was not the determinism of physics , or chemistry , or of biological cells , that was involved in Hilbert 's question about decidability .

  13. 大家都知道,表达或“开启”的基因的特殊亚群,在细胞中决定了细胞的识别,具有独一无二的特点和功能。

    It is well known that the particular subset of genes that are expressed , or " turned on ," in a cell determines that cell 's identity , unique characteristics and function .

  14. MM细胞遗传学异常决定了其临床高度异质性。

    The clinical heterogeneity of MM is decided by the cytogenetic aberrations of MM .

  15. Dac基因是一种对细胞命运起决定作用的螺旋转角螺旋性核蛋白,它在果蝇属的眼睛以及肢体发育中起主要作用。

    Dac gene is a cell fate play a decisive role spiral-corner-spiral nucleoprotein , it plays a major role in the Drosophila eye and limb development .

  16. 而种系嵌合体的获得是实现ES细胞途径的决定步骤,低的种系嵌合率则是制约ES细胞应用的关键。

    The obtain of germline chimeras is the key of putting ES cells into practice , but the germline chimeric rate is low , which hampers the use of ES cells .

  17. 本研究首次证明了Mta3/NuRD复合体是斑马鱼初级造血过程所必须的,它通过调控scl的表达起始来影响造血前体细胞命运的决定,位于造血调控网络的顶部。

    The complex regulates the specification of hematopoietic precursors by controlling the initiation of scl expression and acts at the top of the regulatory hierarchy of primitive hematopoiesis .

  18. 因而,作者推定E7靶基因EZH2是HPV阳性细胞增殖的决定因素,并且具有抗凋亡能力。

    We conclude that the E7 target gene EZH2 is a major determinant for the proliferation of HPV-positive cancer cells and contributes to their apoptotic resistance .

  19. 而木材的材性特质是由木材细胞微观构造决定的。

    And wood material characteristics is decided by the microscopic structure of wood cells .

  20. δ阿片受体的第3个细胞外环决定了δ受体激动剂对δ受体的选择性。

    The third extracellular loop of δ opioid receptor determines the selectivity of δ opioid agonists .

  21. 细胞受体是决定口蹄疫病毒宿主特异性和组织特异性的主要因素之一。

    The character of cell receptors is one of the key factors contribute to virus tropism .

  22. 未来的研究将确定细胞命运的决定因素,观察其分布的相对主轴的方向和轨道随后兄弟细胞的命运。

    Future studies will have to identify cell fate determinants , observe their distribution relative to spindle orientation and track the subsequent sibling cell fates .

  23. 该研究所用的显微镜有一个弹簧尖端以推压细胞表面并决定其柔软度或硬度。

    The microscope used in the study has a small tip on a spring to push against a cell 's surface and determine its level of softness or firmness .

  24. 在该报告中,23位女患者曾经至少在身体的四个不同部位做过抽脂,而且她们同意从其脂肪中提取成人干细胞并分析决定其浓度。

    In the study , 23 female patients having liposuction in at least four different body areas agreed their fat isolated for adult stem cells and analyzed to determine stem cell concentrations .

  25. 细胞内ATP浓度决定蛋白酶体抑制诱导细胞死亡的敏感性

    Intracellular ATP Concentration Determines the Sensitivity of Cell Death Induced by Proteasome Inhibition

  26. 已有实验表明,细胞转染效率可能决定于DNA-脂质体复合物的形成以及所转染的细胞种类。

    Previous studies have shown that the level of gene expression achieved may be dependent on the formulation of the DNA-liposome complex and the cell type transfected .

  27. 在脊椎动物的内耳发育中,细胞分化命运的决定有赖于复杂的基因调节通路,此调节通路涉及Wnt家族。

    The decision of the cell fate specification in the developing vertebrate inner ear is dependent on complex regulatory genetic pathways involving in the Wnt families .

  28. 正调控型和负调控型bHLH转录因子之间的彼此调控,共同调控着神经干细胞的分化并且决定着其分化方向。

    The positive regulator and negative regulator type transcription bHLH transcription factors regulated and controlled each other , which together controlled the differentiation of NSC and determined the direction of their differentiation .

  29. 细胞的增殖状态决定着组织的修复速度,因此,研究应激状态对细胞增殖的影响对进一步了解创伤后组织修复的启动机理有着重要的意义。

    Cell proliferation is crucial to tissue recovery after burn injury .

  30. 其中细胞周期调控是决定细胞抗辐射能力的一个重要因素。

    Among them , cell cycle modulation is the most important factor of radiosensitivity .