- flour and rice;wheat flour and rice

[flour and rice] 指大米和白面,与粗粮相对
Wheat is one of the most major food crop and the main flour and rice of residents ' consumption in China .
Whole grains , where the bran and germ remain , contain 25 percent more protein than refined grains , such as those that make white flour , pasta and white rice .
Whole grains , where the bran and germ remain , contain 25 per cent more protein than refined grains , such as those that make white flour , pasta and white rice .
The researchers recommend that people choose foods that are high in whole grain ingredients - such as bran , oatmeal , and quinoa - that have at least 16 grams per serving , while reducing consumption of unhealthy refined carbohydrates .
The book argues that there is a war on children 's health going on , and that the enemy army includes pesticides , pollution , heavy metals , medications , industrial waste , chemicals , bad tap water , dyes , artificial ingredients , preservatives , sugar , refined grains , antibiotics and wrong ratios of macronutrients .