
  1. 结果:睾丸内的精子细胞及精子减少、曲细精腔缘出现病理形态的细胞及多核巨细胞。

    Results : The number of spermatids and spermatozoa in the testis was reduced , and some pathological cells and polynuclear giant cells appeared on the testicular germinal epithelium .

  2. 通过比较现行中、美两国的钢结构设计规范、规程中对受压杆件的长细比、翼缘宽厚比、腹板高厚比的极限值规定,阐述两国规范、规程中的差异和近似之处。

    Basing on the comparison of the limitations Of compression member slenderness ratio , flange width - thick-ness ratio , web depth-thickness ratio , the author analyses the differences and similarities Of the Chinese and the American steel structure design codes and regulations .