- chew carefully and swallow slowly;take one's time in eating;chew one's food well before swallowing it

He ate his meal slowly , savouring every mouthful .
It is healthy to chew food well before you swallow it .
It takes a while for the brain to realize that the stomach is stretching .
So diners take time to chew and savor each course .
Eat slowly , and eat until you 're full .
He ate his meal slowly , savoring every mouthful .
Then eat slowly and savor each interesting taste !
Eat slow and live a long life .
You must learn to eat them properly .
But it will take you longer to eat and thus you are less likely to overeat .
Ingesting food should be unhurried , moderate , careful in the chewing and slow in swallowing .
You can peruse a library of Clinton-hating books that accuse her of everything from lesbianism to murder .
The secret of staying young is to live honestly , eat slowly , and lie about your age .
The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep , regular time for meal and proper mastication of food .
Many weight-loss programs suggest that people chew slowly and thoughtfully , paying close attention to the sensory experience of eating .
When you eat any meals or snacks , make sure you eat slowly . Chew your food properly before swallowing .
Some books are to be tasted , others to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested . - F. Bacon
Chewing your food thoroughly will make little difference in the amount of nutrients absorbed , because most digestion takes place in the small intestine .
" Some books are to be tasted , others to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested . & f.bacon "
Given the boost McDonald 's shares received from a domestic turnround , Yum may soon have many appetising numbers for investors to chew on .
Hunger , the mouth Mo slander , face and hands before eating , chewing food thoroughly into the habit , so that the body be Healthy .
Chew Your Food SlowlyPeople who consume food more slowly - and ignore those " I 'm hungry " urges - eat less overall than those who devour their meals .
Eating slowly at the dinner table rather than bolting your food down will keep you slim and make dining a far more enjoyable experience , a new study has found .
To counteract the " supra-additive effect " of speedy or glut eating among children prone to obesity , parents should encourage them to eat slowly and in calm surroundings , the study found .
In a report on their findings , published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , the researchers said eating more slowly could be a simple and effective way of tackling weight problems .
A good habit to build is to eat slowly ... and take pauses , so you can think about whether you 're really still hungry ... and drink lots of water during those pauses .
Those who said they ate until full and ate quickly were three times more likely to be fat than people in the " not eating until full and not eating quickly " group , the researchers found .
This ensures that you get enough nutrients and automatically reduces the amount of fat and calories you consume ( provided you don 't go crazy with fatty dressings and toppings ) . 3 . Don 't eat on the run .
Speedy eaters seen likelier to get fat People who eat quickly until full are three times more likely to be overweight , a problem exacerbated by the availability of fast food and the decline of orderly dining habits , Japanese researchers said on Wednesday .
However , for the books to be chewed and digested , such as classical literary works and textbooks , I 'd like to buy them.Compared with borrowing books , buying them can offer us more freedom.We can keep the books as long as we wish , and moreover take whatever notes on the margin of the pages .