
  • 网络Fine scale;Therapon Jarbua
  1. 采用30对微卫星引物对哲罗鲑与细鳞鲑亲本及F1进行遗传分析。

    30 microsatellite primers were used for genetic analysis on relationship between F1 hybrids and their parents .

  2. 细鳞鱼生长与能量代谢的研究

    The studies on growth and energy metabolism of fine scale fish

  3. 东半球热带水域长有嵌入式细鳞的几种鱼。

    Any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales .

  4. 细鳞大马哈鱼和鲑鱼的残骸横七竖八的摊在铺满潮汐莎草的岸边。

    Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge .

  5. 淡水鱼类养殖新对象细鳞斜颌鲴(简称斜颌鲴)的生产评价

    The evaluation of plagiognathops microlepis Bleeker as a new object in freshwater fish culture

  6. 乌苏里江二种细鳞鱼生物学比较研究

    Study On the Comparative Biology of Two Species Lenok ( Brachymystax lenok ) in Ussuri River

  7. 成体有四只翅膀的昆虫,且翅膀上或多或少地覆盖有细鳞。

    Insect that in the adult state has four wings more or less covered with tiny scales .

  8. 驯养的细鳞鱼生长基本正常,比野生种略慢,3年后成活率30%,6年后成活率为26%。

    The survival rate is 30 % . after 3 years , and 26 % after 6 year .

  9. 研究人员说这些海虱一般会感染养殖场饲养的鲑鱼,但是它们也会侵袭到在附近游动的野生粉鲑(细鳞鲑鱼)鱼苗。

    The researchers say these parasites commonly infect salmon raised in farms , but also attack young wild pink salmon that swim nearby .

  10. 本文表明了野土种细鳞鱼能在低温性水库中生长,发育与自行繁殖后代。

    The research in yr.80 & 85 revealed that wild fish of Brachymystax lenok ( Pallas ) grew , developed and propagated normally in low temperature reservoirs .