
zǔ zhī jié ɡòu
  • organization structure;combination
  1. 美国教育体系与其说是获得机遇的阶梯,不如说是将不平等代代相传的组织结构。

    America 's education system has become less a ladder of opportunity than a structure to transmit inequality from one generation to the next .

  2. APEC组织结构分层级运作:领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处。

    The APEC organization has a tiered structure : Informal Leaders ' Meetings , Ministerial Meetings , Senior Officials ' Meetings , Committee & Working Group Meetings , and Secretariat .

  3. 低频电磁场频率对半连铸高强Al合金组织结构的影响

    Effect of Frequency of LF Electromagnetic Field on Microstructures of Semi-Continuously Cast High-Strength Al Alloy

  4. 纳米晶Ti(C,N)固溶体粉末的制备及组织结构研究

    A study of preparation and microstructure of nanocrystalline Ti ( C , N ) solid solution powders

  5. Ti对燃烧合成Ni3Si基金属间化合物组织结构的影响

    Effects of Ti on the Microstructure of Combustion Synthesised Ni_3 Si Based Intermetallic Compounds

  6. 通过挖掘Web日志可以改善网站的组织结构,监控服务器的工作情况,改善Web应用的系统设计,为用户提供个性化服务。

    We can improve the structures of Web sites and the system design of Web application , monitor the server and provide individual service to the users .

  7. 采用SEM,TEM和纳米压痕技术等分析了表面纳米晶层的组织结构与力学性能。

    SEM , TEM and nano - indention techniques were used to analyse microstructure and mechanical properties .

  8. 利用XRD,XPS和SEM技术对合成粉体的相组成、化学组成及宏观组织结构进行了分析。

    The phase , the chemical composition and the macrostructure were analyzed by XRD , XPS and SEM .

  9. 改变组织结构,即建立一个新部门IRIS,使知识管理成为可能;

    Changing organization structure , i. e. erecting a new department IRIS , to enable knowledge management ;

  10. 电子数据交换(EDI)&原理、实现和网络组织结构

    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )── Principle , Implementation , and Network Architecture

  11. SHS离心复合钢管陶瓷内衬的组织结构

    The microstructure of ceramic lining of composite pipe made by SHS CENTRIFUGAL PROCESS

  12. 阴极电淀积CdTe多晶薄膜组织结构的观察与分析

    Studies on Cathodic Deposition of Poly & Crystalline CdTe Film

  13. 挤压态Cu-Al2O3弥散强化铜合金组织结构与强化机制的定量探讨

    Microstructure and Strengthening Mechanism of the Al_2O_3 Dispersion Strengthened Copper Alloy as Hot-extrusion

  14. TiNi(1-x)Cux合金相变、组织结构及薄膜制备

    Transformation Characteristics and Microstructure of TiNi_ ( 1-x ) Cu_x Shape Memory Alloy and Thin Film Preparation

  15. 文章对照DOS,介绍了UNIX的文件组织结构及主要的文件操作命令。

    The paper introduces the file composition structure of UNIX and the main operating commands of file by comparing DOS .

  16. 利用SEM、XRD等手段分析了多孔材料的组织结构与相组成,测量、分析了不同制备工艺下空心球多孔材料的力学性能。

    By means of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), the microstructure , phase composition and mechanical property of alloys were investigated .

  17. 透明导电膜ZnO:Al(ZAO)的组织结构与特性

    Microstructure and properties of transparent conductive oxide zno : al ( zao ) thin films

  18. 公共危机管理与政府组织结构&兼析SARS危机管理中的政府组织结构

    The Management of Public Crisis and the Mechanism of Government Constitution & and An Illustration of the Mechanism of Government Constitution in SARS Crisis

  19. 目的探讨低能量冲击波ESWL对肾组织结构和肾功能的影响。光镜观察各组肾组织结构的改变;

    AIM To investigate UK effect of low - energy ESWL on renal tissue structure and renal function .

  20. 用数字化技术摄取头颅侧位片,应用NIHimage软件测定骨性结构、软组织结构、舌骨位置、咽部口径参数等23项。

    Cephalometric measurements were taken by computer software ( NIH Image ), 23 variables were used concerning bone structure , soft tissue structure , hyoid bone position and upper airway dimension .

  21. 硫化压力对电沉积并硫化合成的FeS2薄膜组织结构的影响

    On the pyrite ( FeS_2 ) thin films prepared by sulfurizing the electrodeposited precursive films at different sulfur vapor pressure

  22. 结果表明DES会抑制胚胎期睾丸细胞的增殖,从而影响睾丸的发育,破坏睾丸的组织结构。

    All above indicated that the DES could inhibit the proliferation of orchic cells in embryo , then influenced the testicle development , damaged the testicle structure .

  23. 此系统包括合适的组织结构、企业文化、战略领导、4R战略实施系统。

    This system includes appropriate organizational structure , enterprise culture , strategic leadership , 4R strategy implementation systems .

  24. 尤其是针对比较薄弱的业务流程方面,使用UC矩阵、流程图等工具建立了完整和规范的流程体系,并且完成了相关的技术规范制订、数据库设计和组织结构和人员安排的规划。

    Especially a framework of workflow is built using UC matrix and flow chart . And related technique criterion , database and personnel arrangement are also schemed .

  25. 采用DTA-TG,XRD,SEM和IR等实验手段,对SiO2干凝胶在室温以及3006009001200℃四个热处理温度下的组织结构进行了对比和分析。

    Texture and structure of silica xerogels were contrasted and analyzed at room temperature , 300,600,900 ℃ and 1200 ℃ by means of DTA-TG , XRD , SEM and IR .

  26. 利用多弧离子镀膜技术在口腔修复材料&钛合金(Ti6Al4V)表面制备TiN薄膜。分析表面镀膜组织结构,探讨钛合金基材及表面镀层的抗细菌粘附性能。

    TiN coating was formed on titanium alloy ( Ti6Al4V ) surface by employing multi-arc ion plating , which is used as dental prosthetic material .

  27. 化学镀Co-Ni-P薄膜的组织结构和生长机理研究

    Structure and Growth Mechanism of Electroless Plated Co Ni P Film

  28. 采用力学性能测试、DTA热分析、X射线衍射物相分析和透射电镜分析技术研究了时效工艺对固溶-冷拉处理的2011合金显微组织结构特征和力学性能的影响。

    The effect of aging treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of solution treated and cold drawn 2011 alloy was investigated by mechanical performance test , XRD analysis , DTA thermal analysis and TEM observation .

  29. 结果表明,蒸镀态-γTiAl基合金薄板由γ相、α2相和τ相组成,表面质量良好,内部自然分层,显微组织结构为柱状晶。

    The results indicated that the deposited γ - TiAl based alloy sheet was composed of γ,α _2 and τ phase , and the quality of the surface was well .

  30. 利用冲击磨粒磨损试验,结合X射线衍射,SEM和Mossbauer谱等分析手段,研究了锰含量为4%~13%的奥氏体钢耐磨性和磨面组织结构。

    The wear resistance and the microstructure of the worn surface of the steels containing 4 % ~ 13 % Mn were studied by means of abrasive wear test , XRD , SEM and Mossbauer spectroscopy .