
jiǎn dān zài shēnɡ chǎn
  • simple reproduction
  1. 论考虑固定资本影响的简单再生产条件下的价值转形问题

    On Transformation of Value in Simple Reproduction with Fixed Capital in Effect

  2. 装备制造业即为国民经济进行简单再生产和扩大再生产提供生产技术装备的工业。

    Equipment manufacturing industry supplys technology and equipments for simple reproduction and expanded reproduction of national economy .

  3. 电力建设资金利润率低,直接影响到电力企业的简单再生产和扩大再生产。

    Low profit from construction of hydropower station directly influences simple reproduction and expanded one of power enterprises .

  4. 在现实中,社会总资本简单再生产和扩大再生产实现的条件都发生了新的变化。

    In reality , the condition of simple reproduction and expanded reproduction have changed greatly . The Formation and Development of Socialism in Capitalism ;

  5. 设备大修是维持简单再生产的重要手段,由于设备大修费用有限,导致设备欠修。

    Equipments overhaul is an important methods in maintaining equipments operating , Because the overhaul cost is limited as result of equipments lack of repair .

  6. 折旧基金属于维持简单再生产的补偿基金,但折旧基金又具有扩大再生产的作用。

    It is well known that depreciated funds belong to the compensating funds for maintaining simple reproduction , but it has contribution to the expansion of reproduction .

  7. 农村生产的长期资金短缺导致了农业生产的资金链中断,一般的农户只能维持传统的简单再生产,农业集约经营水平低。

    The long-term shortage of funds leads to discontinuity in production . The average farmers can only maintain the traditional simple reproduction and the agricultural intensive management is at a low level .

  8. 本文采用实证方法从市场和经济效率角度分析这一背离现象,发现股票市场资源配置效率的低下与经济增长的简单再生产性质是导致二者背离的主要原因,并对此提出了相应的改进措施。

    This paper use the positive method examine this matter at market and economic efficiencies , discovered the reasons of the deviate relationship are poor distribution of marketing resources and the simple reproductions .

  9. 在资本雇佣劳动的时代,物质资本在企业生产中占据主导地位,劳动者无权参与企业剩余收益分配,只能以工资形式获得维持其简单再生产的报酬。

    In an age of " capital hire labor ", Physical capital dominates the enterprise production . Workers have no right to participate in the residual income distribution . They got wages paid to maintain the simple reproduction .

  10. 本文以劳动力为切入点,提出人力资本的商品属性,通过扩展简单再生产的两部类流通模型,来解释人力资本参与剩余价值分配的机理。

    Taking labor as an entry point , this paper presents the commodity attributes of human capital , and explains the mechanism of human capital involving in the residual value allocation through two circulation models of expanding simple reproduction .

  11. 满足居民基本的住房需求是维持劳动力简单再生产的必要条件,是居民实现自我发展和自我满足的基础,是关系到社会稳定和经济发展的重要因素。

    To meet the basic housing needs of the residents is a necessary condition for the simple reproduction of labors , a basis to achieve self-development and self-satisfaction , and an important factor related to social stability and economic development .

  12. 科技创新产权的演变过程包括四个环节,即人员与经费的投入,科技创新成果的产出,以成果到技术市场等地换取货币收入,然后再进行简单再生产与扩大再生产。

    The evaluation of STIP includes the input of manpower and expenses , output of scientific and technological innovation achievements ( STIA ), transference of this outcome into currency in technical market , and then simple reproduction and expanded reproduction .