
  1. 组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》第8条新增的一项侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪。

    Crime of organizing minor to violate the public security management is the 8th additional item of " the Criminal Law of the PRC Bill for amendment ( the Seventh )", which encroaches upon the citizen personal rights .

  2. 本部分重点分析构成本罪是否需要以牟利为目的、是否明知被组织者是未成年人两个方面的问题。三、组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪的司法适用。

    This section analyzes the two issues , it is whether need to constitute the crime " for the purpose of making profits ", it is a minor knowing that the organizers . Part ΙΙΙ: Judicial application about the crime of organizing juveniles to violate public security administration .