
zǔ bǎn
  • layout editor
  1. 光变图像光栅条纹高效率转移组版系统的研制

    Efficient Grating Transferring System for Recombining Optically Variable Device

  2. 针对多用户协作时产生的访问冲突问题,给出了一些解决方案。最后,文章对协同网络组版系统的进一步改进做了一些探讨和展望。

    Some solutions are provided to solve the accessing conflict problem in multi-user cooperatively . Finally , some improvement and prospect for the cooperative network typesetting system is described .

  3. ApachePOI是一组用于处理旧版和新版Microsoft标准文档的JavaAPI。

    Apache POI is a set of Java APIs for working with both older and newer Microsoft standard documents .