
  • 网络Longitudinal impact;AKV
  1. 通过建立裂纹扩展的分形几何模型,计算了冲击断口的分形维数,研究了冲击韧性与易切削相参数的相关性。影响纵向冲击韧性的是易切削相的面积分数f,由于f?

    Studies were made of the calculation of fractal dimension of transverse impact fracture surface , and of the correlation between impact toughness of steel and parameters of free-cutting phase by means of the developed fractal geometry model of crack propagation .

  2. 采用不同的生产工艺制度,对E42船板钢在工业试制生产中所产生的-40℃纵向冲击功波动较大的现象进行了研究。

    The strong instability of-40 ℃ longitudinal impact strength of E42 shipbuilding steel observed in trial production was studied by using different processes .

  3. 列车纵向冲击检测与司机操作平稳等级的建立

    Detection of train longitudinal impact and build of operation stability level

  4. 杆的纵向冲击问题全过程分析

    General procedure for analysis of axial response of prismatic bar during impact

  5. 列车纵向冲击的检测与分析

    Detection and Analysis of the Lognitudinal Impact of Trains

  6. 稀土对碳锰纯净钢纵向冲击性能的影响

    Effect of rare earth on longitudinal impact property of carbon - manganese clean steel

  7. 城轨车辆正常运用工况下纵向冲击和振动分析

    The Longitudinal Impact and Vibration Analysis of Urban Rail Vehicles under Normal Operation Conditions

  8. 列车纵向冲击问题初探

    Elementary Research about Longitudinal Impact of Train

  9. 核燃料组件铁路运输容器系统在纵向冲击下的安全性分析

    Safety Analysis for Railway Conveying Vessel System of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies Subject to Longitudinal Impact

  10. 杆的纵向冲击振动

    Longitudinal vibration of prismatic bar during impact

  11. 人造丝增强橡胶纵向冲击的拉伸本构模型

    Constitutive equation research to the rayon reinforced rubber ( RRR ) under the longitudinal tensile-impact

  12. 汽车前部纵向冲击力学特性加权优化设计

    A weighted optimization design of the front part of passenger car in consideration of longitudinal crash characteristics

  13. 同时纵向冲击韧性的离散度也高于横向的,波动性也比较大。

    Also the dispersion of longitudinal impact toughness is higher than that of the transverse , and larger volatility .

  14. 对正常运用工况下车辆间的纵向冲击和振动等进行了分析,并指出了设计时应注意的问题。

    Such problems as the longitudinal impulse in train , affecting the operation performance of the passenger train , are analyzed .

  15. 针对列车纵向冲击问题,提出了信号采集与处理方案,设计了一套随车采集和分析系统。

    A new method of signal detection and processing is put forward aiming at solving the problem of detection and analysis of the longitudinal impact of trains .

  16. 特殊情况下的纵向冲击响应,正常工作阶段受周期性持续载荷作用的响应,以及在风载荷作用下的风致振动问题已经受到关注。

    It has drawn attention that response researches are on longitudinal impaction in special circumstance , periodic loads in work phases and wind vibration under wind load .

  17. 在第2章中,根据广义特征理论,对正交各向异性液饱和多孔介质在纵向冲击载荷作用下的应力波问题进行了特征分析。

    In Chapter 2 , based on generalized characteristics theory , characteristic analysis is carried out on the problem of stress wave propagation in orthotropic fluid-saturated porous media under longitudinal impacting .

  18. 针对铁路车辆系统在编组、制动等工况下产生的纵向冲击,推导了车辆之间的纵向作用力和描述冲击特性的加速度。

    Considering the longitudinal impact of railway vehicle systems under marshaling and braking , we derived the longitudinal impact force acting upon the railway vehicles and the acceleration used to describe the impact feature .

  19. 讨论了[1]中提出的汽车防撞防振器中螺旋弹簧的纵向冲击计算,同时也简单地介绍了板簧及组合圆柱形压缩螺旋弹簧的计算。

    According to [ 1 ] , the longitudinal shock calculation of the helix spring in the shockproof device is discussed . Meanwhile , we simply introduced the calculation of plate spring and complex cylindric press helix spring too .

  20. 锻比大于4后,继续增大锻比对材料的纵向冲击性能的提高程度有所减缓,且对于拉伸性能的改善也不大。

    Larger than four of the forging ratio , continual increasing ratio will not only lower the increasing trend of the compact property on the longitudinal direction of the steel , but the improvement to tensile property is rather little .

  21. 本文采用沿次特征线积分方法,求解纵向冲击载荷作用下弹粘塑性圆管的动应力集中问题。

    In this paper , the method of numerical integration along bicharacteristics is used to solve the problem of the dynamic stress concentration in the elastic / viscoplastic circular tube , when the longitudinal impact applied to the end face of the tube .

  22. 第二部分是计算整船及其动力设备在三个方向(垂向、横向和纵向)冲击下的冲击响应。

    The second part calculates the three dimension shock responses of the ship and it 's dynamic instruments .

  23. 钢材纵向的冲击和拉伸性能随着锻比的增大而得到提高。

    The increasing of the compact ductility and tensile property of the longitudinal of the steel is along with the increasing of forging ratio .

  24. 经计算机数据处理后,进而计算车辆相对冲击速度、车辆冲击动能和缓冲器所接受的能量等重要动力学参数以及它与列车中的纵向力和冲击加速度的相互关系。

    Some important parameters such as the relative impact velocity of cars , the kinetic energy of cars and the energy absorbed by the draft gear are calculated . And the relationship between the longitudinal forces and the impact velocities in the train and these parameters are analysed .

  25. 结合BEPCⅡ设计参数,研制了纵向束流反馈冲击器模型腔,并且利用同轴线法测量了该模型腔的阻抗和带宽,满足设计要求。

    A prototype cavity of longitudinal feedback kicker is developed according to the parameter of BEPC ⅱ . The usage of nose cone in the kicker design increased the shunt impedance .

  26. 此外,本文还对碳/锌复合材料的纵向拉伸性能、纵向冲击性能以及摩擦磨损性能的影响因素进行了讨论。

    Moreover , the influence factors upon the longitudinal tensile and impact properties , and the friction and wear properties of the composites have also been discussed in this paper .