
nà cuì zhǔ yì
  • Naziism
  1. 一战没能完成的事情,大萧条(GreatDepression)、纳粹主义和二战替它完成了。

    What the first world war had not done , the Great Depression , Nazism and the second world war did .

  2. 德意志历史学派传统与纳粹主义

    The Tradition of German " History School " and Nazism

  3. 荒谬的是,意大利求助于希特勒纳粹主义的战争。

    Paradoxically , Italy needed the war of Hitlerite nazism .

  4. 专家说哈默菲斯特是一个新纳粹主义的招聘工具。

    Experts say Hammerfest is a neo-Nazi recruiting tool .

  5. 任何一个同纳粹主义作斗争的人或国家,都将得到我们的援助。

    Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid .

  6. 康涅狄格州有新纳粹主义组织?

    There are neo-Nazi groups in connecticut ?

  7. 他批评路德教会与天主教的等级制度是纳粹主义在道德上的帮凶。

    He criticized both the Lutheran and the Catholic hierarchies as moral accomplices of Nazism .

  8. 在爱达荷州博伊西,警方正在寻找哈默菲斯特,一个新纳粹主义的音乐节。

    In Boise , Idaho , police are looking for Hammerfest , a neo-Nazi musical festival .

  9. 纳粹主义是一种向观众表示坏人形象的简单方式,因为,他们已经坏透顶了。

    Nazism is an easy signifier for audiences that the bad guys are , well , bad .

  10. 关于纳粹主义、纳粹党人的,由其组成的,有其典型的意识形态特征的,或实施纳粹主义的。

    Relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis .

  11. 当时纳粹主义正在德国兴起,而基辛格一家是犹太人。

    But the Kissingers were a Jewish family in a Germany that was on the brink of Nazism .

  12. 埃哈德是一名坚定的反纳粹主义者,还是一位自由市场派经济学家,他的许多信仰和思想与哈耶克相同。

    A staunch anti-Nazi , Erhard was a free-market economist who shared many of Hayek 's beliefs and ideas .

  13. 将当今的犹太人一步步赶出欧洲的正是这样一种意识形态,而不是所谓的新纳粹主义幽灵。

    And it is this ideology not a phantom neo-Nazism that is driving today 's Jews out of Europe .

  14. 在书中,她还谈及佩夫斯纳学术上的盲点,政治上的天真,以及后来其对纳粹主义本质的认识。

    She exposes his scholarly purblindness and political naivety and his late realisation of the true nature of German National Socialism .

  15. 英法政府首脑一旦抛弃绥靖政策,就呼吁克里姆林宫签订盟约,以遏制纳粹主义。

    The British and French premiers , once they had abandoned appeasement , appealed to the Kremlin to sign an alliance to contain Nazism .

  16. 战时的奥地利对纳粹主义的敏感,加上与冯?特拉普家族有关的种种问题可以解释为什么奥地利人对这部电影的态度不够热情。

    Sensitivities about Nazism during wartime Austria and issues towards the von Trapp family themselves could explain Austria 's reluctance to embrace the musical .

  17. 虽然他承认纳粹主义已经完蛋,至少是暂时完蛋,他仍然命令三军将领。

    Though he confessed that Nazism was dead , at least for the moment , he nevertheless adjured the commanders of the three armed services .

  18. 但这样的抗议活动提醒我们,今天的许多欧洲人并没有暗无天日的感觉,就像1945年前纳粹主义把欧洲拖入黑暗一样。

    But such demonstrations are a reminder that many Europeans today have no sense of the darkness into which Nazism had plunged their continent by 1945 .

  19. 例如,没有监管者能够裁定,关于中小学男生魔法或北欧新纳粹主义的故事可能对读者产生有害的副作用,从而强迫它们回收一本潜在的畅销书。

    For instance , no regulator can force them to pulp a potential bestseller by ruling that tales of schoolboy sorcery or Nordic neo-Nazism could have damaging side-effects for readers .

  20. 德国历史文化传统与纳粹主义的产生有无必然的联系,一直是学术界关注的一个重大理论问题。

    The academic circles have focused for a long time on the issue of whether there is an inevitable connection between the rise of Nazism and the traditional German historical culture .

  21. 尽管机车手和摇滚乐手们表现出来的是一种新纳粹主义,但是这些形象仍旧带有强烈的侵略意味,这是一种“挑衅艺术”。

    While bikers and punk rockers have flirted with neo-Nazism , the images have mostly been employed to merely shock and offend . A sort of " art through provocation " affair .

  22. 她在兴起的纳粹主义肆虐欧洲时以难民的身份逃离了波兰,之后她从未想过要重返那里的家。

    It had never occurred to her to go back to her home in Poland , which she had to flee as a refugee , haunted by the rise of Nazism in Europe .

  23. 斯坦尼思写道,对扎森的圈子来说,这篇长文标志着幻想的破灭,他们不再指望艾希曼会帮助他们为“纯粹的纳粹主义”辩护,帮助他们否认敌人的诽谤中伤。

    For the Sassen circle , Ms. Stangneth writes , this tirade marked the end of the fantasy that Eichmann would help them defend " pure National Socialism " against the slanderous charges of its enemies .

  24. 一些民众告诉我们,他们厌倦了基辅政府,而且他们说了很多在这个地区的俄罗斯电视台使用的词语,即基辅政府是由法西斯主义和新纳粹主义领导的。

    Several people told us that they were fed up with government in Kiev and they repeated , pretty much the same line used in Siang Russian television in this region which that the government in Kiev is led by Fascists and Neo-Nazism .