
  • 网络wilmington;WILMINGTON,NC;Wilmington, NC
  1. 在迈克尔·乔丹(MichaelJordan)之前,世界上最为著名的篮球运动员之一也是一位来自北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿市的本地人:梅多拉克·莱蒙(MeadowlarkLemon)。

    Before Michael Jordan , one of the world 's most famous basketball players was another native of the North Carolina city of Wilmington : Meadowlark Lemon .

  2. 吉尼斯评委SarahWagner宣布Milton打破2003年特拉华州威尔明顿JohnBain创下的3120磅纪录。Milton像拳击获胜者一样把手臂高举过头顶示意。

    He raised his arms over his head in Rocky-esque style when Guinness judge Sarah Wagner announced his ball had bounced ( 5 ) the previous 3120-pound record-holder from the books . That record was set by John Bain of Wilmington , Del . , in 2003 .

  3. 那么,你要在威尔明顿待多久?

    So , how long are you staying in Wilmington ?

  4. 少年时遭遇不幸詹姆斯在特拉华州威尔明顿市长大。

    Tragedy hits a teen James grew up in Wilmington , Del .

  5. 该项研究由美国特拉华州威尔明顿的阿斯利康公司赞助。

    The research was funded in part by AstraZeneca of Wilmington , Del .

  6. 翻译过来就是“带给我威尔明顿的母牛角”。

    It translates as " Bring Me the Horns of Wilmington 's Cow . "

  7. 我在威尔明顿听说过忠诚守法,我在南卡罗来纳也听说过忠诚守法&可那能值几个钱?

    I hear of the loyalty at Wilmington , the loyalty at South Carolina-what is it worth ?

  8. 迈克尔·杰弗里·乔丹出生在纽约的布鲁克林纽约和在特拉华州威尔明顿市长大,北卡罗莱那州。

    Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in Brooklyn New York and grew up in Wilmington , North Carolina .

  9. 美国特拉华州,威尔明顿和西部铁路,拥有1907年的蒸汽机车,行驶通过红粘土地。

    The Wilmington & Western Railroad , with its1907 steam engine , runs through the Red Clay Valley in Delaware .

  10. 美国民主党总统候选人乔·拜登和他的新竞选伙伴、美国参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯在特拉华州威尔明顿首次以竞选伙伴的身份亮相。

    Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his new running mate , U.S. Senator Kamala Harris , have made their first appearance as a ticket in Wilmington , Delaware .

  11. 他用高薪雇用了很好的驾驶员,他们在黑夜载着棉花偷偷离开查尔斯顿和威尔明顿,向纳索、英国和加拿大驶去。

    He had good pilots and paid them well , and they slid out of Charleston and Wilmington on dark nights , bearing cotton for Nassau , England and Canada .

  12. 他生长在查尔斯顿,熟悉海港附近卡罗来纳海岸的每一个小港小湾、沙洲和岸礁,同时对威尔明顿周围的水域也了如指掌。

    Reared in charleston , he knew every inlet , creek , shoal and rock of the Carolina coast near that port , and he was equally at home in the waters around wilmington .

  13. 德拉瓦州交通部长下令立即对州内的主要桥梁进行检查,以确定这些桥梁是否同威尔明顿市被迫关闭的州际公路环线存在类似的风险。

    Delaware 's transportation secretary has ordered immediate inspections of major bridges in the state to determine whether they might be at risk of problems similar to one that forced the closure of an interstate bypass in Wilmington .

  14. 这座阳光明媚的南加州城在《男性健康》杂志全美100个最幸运城镇的评选中赢得了桂冠。巴尔的摩、凤凰城、特拉华州的威尔明顿、以及弗吉尼亚州的里士满紧随其后。

    The sunny southern California city won the top spot in the Men 's Health magazine list of America 's 100 luckiest towns , with Baltimore , Phoenix , Wilmington in Delaware and Richmond , Virginia not far behind .