
chún yì shù
  • pure art
  1. 一部电影被列为纯艺术片,另一部被列为娱乐片。

    One movie is classified as pure art , the other as entertainment .

  2. 西周金文从实用到纯艺术书写的笔墨创新

    On the Innovation of Jin Characters from Utility to Pure Art

  3. 近期除了应用在纯艺术领域外,已逐步渗透到建筑学、艺术设计学领域。

    Recently , it has started to appear in architecture and artistic design .

  4. 不,我说真的,这是纯艺术呀。

    No , really , it was pure art .

  5. 从开始欣赏写实作品到今天喜欢抽象,印象,到纯艺术的作品

    From start to appreciate realistic works today likeabstraction , impression , to pure artistic works

  6. 设计的自由源于艺术感觉的表达&再论纯艺术对艺术设计思维意识的拓展

    Free Design from Expression of Art Feeling

  7. 纯艺术:理解艺术概念之限定性与开放性特征的一种途径

    Pure arts : a way to understand the restricting and opening property of fine arts

  8. 艺术皇族的代表者&亲近纯艺术,疏远应用艺术。

    Representatives of art imperial kinsmen & advocating pure art , devaluing the art for using .

  9. 数字化时代中国书法将逐步走向泛化、大众化和纯艺术化。

    In the digital time , Chinese calligraphy will move to generalization , popularization and pure art .

  10. 祁海峰的艺术历程总是体现出一种矛盾,即纯艺术的追求和现实的表现之间的矛盾。

    There is a conflict between the pursuing for the pure art and expressing the reality in Qi 's paintings .

  11. 我们在创新时立足点放在哪里,与纯艺术手工艺的区别在哪里?

    What is the foothold of its innovation , and what is the difference between it and pure arts and crafts ?

  12. 其解构表现在四个方面:1,新月派纯艺术无功利性的努力对传统诗歌言志载道功利性的解构;

    New Moon School 's Deconstruction of traditional poetry ' utility by the efforts which are purely artistic and not utilitarian .

  13. 对追求纯艺术的人来说,这里首次发表了葛雷欧那些著名的新娘手捧花束的设计和解说。

    For the purists there are , for the first time in years , explanations and sketches of his famous bridal bouquets .

  14. 自第六届全国美展以来,漆画作为独立画种被划入纯艺术范畴。

    Since the Sixth National Artworks Exhibition , lacquer painting has been classified into the category of pure art as an independent type .

  15. 近年来,随着环境艺术的崛起,纯艺术形式更加深入地参与到了建筑环境之中。

    Recently , with the development of the environmental art , the pure art forms have more thoroughly participated in the architectural environment .

  16. 因其技术性、材料性和设计性的特征,版画是纯艺术领域中最具开放性的艺术形式。

    Its technical , material and design of the characteristics of printmaking is pure art in the field of the most open art form .

  17. 可佩带雕塑是一件佩带在身体上的艺术品,它具有所有纯艺术作品的特征。

    The wearable sculpture is an object that can be worn on the body but has all characteristics of a genuine work of art as well .

  18. 他对中国传统精神的理解,不仅让他在设计领域里取得极大的成就,如今也使得他的纯艺术创作有了更深层的意义。

    His understanding in traditional Chinese spirit not only helps him obtain great achievements in design area , but also leads his art creation to more profound meanings .

  19. 林慧洁于1996年获英国伦敦大学金匠学院颁纯艺术学士学位及于2003年获香港中文大学颁纯艺术硕士学位。

    LAM Wai-kit received her BA from the Fine Arts Department , Goldsmiths College , University of London in1996 and MFA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in2003 .

  20. 不论是纯艺术还是实用艺术,不论是手工艺的工艺美术设计还是工业社会的工业设计,都有艺术与技巧、技术的相辅相成关系。

    No matter it is fine art or applied art , and no matter it is handicraft design or industrial design , there exist interrelations between art and technique .

  21. 残雪对卡夫卡纯艺术层面上的解读,既打开了一条进入卡夫卡城堡的道路,也提供了一种理解残雪的可能的方式。

    Can Xue 's purely artistic illustration of Kafka has not only opened a way into the realm of Kafak but also offered one possible approach to understanding Kafka .

  22. 本文指出爱伦.坡的诗歌理论强调美,认为诗是纯艺术,重视诗歌的整体效果。

    This article points out that Allen Poe 's theory emphasized the beauty of poetry , regarding it as pure art and stressing the whole effect of the poem .

  23. 由此,电影已经不是一种纯艺术,而是物化形态的艺术样式和广泛传播的特殊文化商品的结合体。

    From this , the movie was already not one kind of pure art , but is the transformation shape artistic style and the widespread dissemination special cultural commodity marriage .

  24. 目前,关于极简主义的研究主要集中在纯艺术和建筑领域,而对极简主义产品设计这一领域缺乏比较系统的探讨和研究。

    At present , the research on Minimalism mainly concentrated in the field of Fine art and Architecture , and there is a lack of systematic research on Minimalist product design .

  25. 究其原因,既有在险恶的政治情势中消极避世并转而致力于纯艺术天地的外因,也有回归缘情文学传统的内在动力。

    There may be two reasons : trying to escape the then dangerous polities and turn to a realm of pure literature ; wishing to return to the traditional style of literature .

  26. 纯艺术这一概念存在的意义就在于为我们理解艺术问题提供一个能够避免二者冲突的理论基点,使一切关于艺术问题的思考都可以毫无障碍地围绕这一理论基点展开。

    The significance of pure arts ' existence lies in its providing an academic starting point for understanding the fine arts issues , thus allowing freedom to have relevant reflections on this topic .

  27. 而如今作为纯艺术的现代漆艺创作,重观念轻技术或重技术轻艺术现象成为现阶段困扰现代漆艺发展的主要矛盾之一。

    Now as a pure art of modern lacquer art working more thought less techniques more art or more techniques less art become the main contradiction in the development of modern lacquer art .

  28. 作品画面极具建筑感和结构趣味,好像是以几何、线条、色彩等艺术最基本的元素来构识出一个纯艺术的国度。

    A strong architectonic feel pervades the work , which seems to be a world unto itself , a purely artistic construct formed out of the primal elements of geometry , line , and colour .

  29. 改变传统的素描课模式,把素描教学从纯艺术的观念中剥离出来,导入设计要素,已成为现代素描教学的趋势。

    The processes of changing traditional sketch teaching model , making sketch teaching come off from the pure art conception and leading into the design elements have already been a trend of the modern sketch teaching .

  30. 庄子是奠定中国纯艺术精神最重要的思想家,海德格尔是对二十世纪西方哲学和诗学影响最大的哲学家。

    Zhuang Zi is the most important thinker who has founded the Chinese pure spirit of art while Heidegger is the greatest philosopher who has made deepest influence upon the20th century philosophy and Poetics of the west .