
  • 网络Fiber fineness;dtex;Fine mtex;mtex
  1. 苎麻纤维细度测试的灰色优化GM(1,2)模型与误差分析

    The Grey Optimum Model for the Test of the Fineness of Ramie Fiber and Its Error Analysis

  2. 棉纤维细度测定法:micronaire法

    Testing method for fineness of cotton fibers : micronaire method

  3. 在相同电纺丝条件下,PAN纤维细度远大于PP-TA及MPIA纤维细度。

    PAN fiber had fineness further greater than PPTA and MPIA fibers under the same electrospinning conditions .

  4. 在DCD大于10cm的情况下,纤维细度并不是一成不变的,而是受到气流的二次拉伸和飞行中纤维的相互作用而有所变化。

    In the case of DCD is more than 10 cm , the fiber fineness is influenced by the second drawing of air and interaction of fibers in the air .

  5. 麻类纤维细度数据分析测试软件的开发

    The Development of a Software for Fineness Assay of bast fibers

  6. 细旦混纺纤维细度配比问题的研究

    Research on Blending Ratio of Flue Denier Manufactured Fibres with Natural Fibres

  7. 羊毛纤维细度弱节点与纤维断裂位置

    Relationship between Weak Points and Bred Positions of Wool Fibre

  8. 在区域试验中,头、二、三麻的纤维细度分别为2492、1984和1944支,平均2140;

    2492,1984,1944 and 2140 respectively in the provincial regional test .

  9. 静电激振纤维细度测定方法的改进水电站压力管道的动力特性

    An Improvement on Fiber Fineness Measurement with Electrostatic Vibration-Driving Instrument

  10. 棉纤维细度成熟度测试仪的研制

    Development of Testing Instrument for Determining Maturity and Fineness of Cotton Fibre

  11. 纤维细度仪的工作原理分析

    Analysis for working principle of the fiber fineness meter

  12. 棉纤维细度及回潮率与纤维比电阻关系的研究

    Study of the effect of cotton fiber fineness and moisture content on the resistance

  13. 建立了尿草酸的比色测定方法。表观色深与纤维细度关系

    Relationships Between Apparent Shade Depth and Fibre Fineness

  14. 激光干涉式纤维细度测试仪及其应用

    Laser Interference Fibre Count Taster and Its Application

  15. 股线品质指标与棉纤维细度的关系

    The linear relationship between break factor of ply yarn and fineness of cotton fibre

  16. 罗布麻纤维细度测试方法的探讨

    Method to Measure the Fineness of Apocynum Fiber

  17. 本文介绍了静电激励式纤维细度测定装置的结构特点,并对其性能进行了分析。

    This paper has concisely introduced the structure characteristic of the electrostatic drive measur -

  18. 纤维细度单位及其换算关系

    Fibre fineness units and their scale relation

  19. 用于测定各类纤维细度时,将纤维切断成一定长度。

    When measuring fineness of various kinds of fiber , cut them into certain length .

  20. 纤维细度测定装置的结构特点及性能分析

    The structure characteristic and performance analysis of the electrostatic drive for measuring the size of fibers

  21. 苎麻纤维细度测试与分析的灰色模型

    The Grey Model on the Test and Analysis on Degree of Finish of the Ramie Fiber

  22. 激光式纤维细度分布分析仪

    Laser fibre fineness distribution analyzer

  23. 荷叶微米结构的仿制包括纤维细度的选择和织物组织的选择。

    The imitation of micron structure of lotus leaf includes choices of fiber fineness and textile weave .

  24. 混纺纱条不匀与组分纤维细度及其不匀的关系纱条不匀的混沌特性

    The relation of random irregularity of the blended yarn to the fineness and irregularity of components of fiber

  25. 对采用定压式气流仪快速测定我国陆地棉纤维细度和成熟度系数的方法进行了探讨。

    Methods of testing China uplands cotton fibre fineness and maturity coefficient rapidly by constant pressure airometer is discussed .

  26. 毛绒纤维细度是确定毛绒品质和使用价值最重要的参数之一。

    Diameter measurement of animal fibres is one of the most important physical parameters to evaluate the quality of fibres .

  27. 绒纤维细度平均1376μm,保持了藏山羊这一优良特性。

    The diametre of the villous fibre was 13 76 ± 0 68 micrometres , it bept Zang goats good feature .

  28. 而纤维细度随花后天数的增加逐渐减小,且与种植密度呈正相关关系。

    Fiber fineness increased with days post anthesis decreased gradually acquired , and with a positive correlation between cotton planting population .

  29. 组合与亲本无性系的单蔸产量、纤维细度及经济性状的变异系数无显著差异。

    No significant differences were observed between the F 1s and their parent clones in yield / hill , fibre fineness and other economic characters .

  30. 结果表明:纤维细度提高13.9%,相对强度提高7.1%,伸长率略有下降。

    The experimental results show that fiber fineness is improved by 13.9 % and relative strength by 7.1 % with a slight decrease in fiber elongation .