
  • 网络Ultraviolet Lamp;UV lamp;UV Light;uvb
  1. 紫外线灯与动态消毒机配合使用,可使车内工作中空气自然菌数维持在符合III类环境卫生标准。

    Combined use of ultraviolet lamp and the dynamic disinfector for disinfection of occupied car could still keep the natural bacterial count in air of the car conforming to class - ⅲ environmental sanitation standard .

  2. 方法在不同条件下使用强度为100μW·cm-2·s-1的紫外线灯对净化间喷雾的标准菌进行照射。

    Standard bacteria sprayed in the purified chamber was irradiated by using an 100 μ w · cm - 2 · s - 1 ultraviolet lamp under different conditions .

  3. B:我的紫外线灯。

    B : It 's my sun lamp .

  4. 紫外线灯照射与甲醛加PP熏蒸联合空气消毒为B组。

    For Group B , the vitalight lamp radiation and steaming of methanal plus PP were used in combined air sterilization .

  5. B:嗯,我想晒晒黑,但又没有时间躺在阳光下,只能每天晚上在紫外线灯下躺五分钟。

    B : Well , I want to get a tan and I haven 't time to lie in the sun , so I lie under the sun lamp every night for five minutes .

  6. 在低功率近紫外线灯的近紫外线(UV)辐隔下,它们能够发射波长为613nm的红色荧光。

    The reported products can emit red fluorescence with wavelength of 613 nm under the radiation of near UV from a near UV lamp with lower power .

  7. 结果,经静电空气净化消毒器开机30min后和30W紫外线灯照射60min,均可使空气中自然菌下降率达到88.83%;

    The results showed that operation of the Electrostatic Air Purifying Disinfector for 30 min and 30 W ultraviolet lamp irradiation for 60 min could reduce the natural bacteria in air by 88.83 % .

  8. 结果紫外线灯采用悬吊式,距地面2.5m,紫外线灯的功率在2~3W/m3,生产前、后消毒60min,间隔120min,基本能达到车间空气消毒效果,保证产品卫生质量。

    [ Results ] The air in the workshops was disinfected before and after production for 60 minutes each time every 2 hours with a hanging ultraviolet lamp ( power : 2 ~ 3 W / m 3 ) . It was effective to guarantee the hygienic quality .

  9. 临床紫外线灯辐照强度的影响因素探讨

    Probe into influencing factors of radiation intensity of clinical ultraviolet lamps

  10. 方法对细菌污染与紫外线灯辐射照度值进行检测。

    Methods Bacterial contamination and ultraviolet lamp irradiation intensity were examined .

  11. 用臭氧管和紫外线灯进行消毒除臭的新进展

    New Advances of Deodorizing with Ozone Generation Tube and Ultraviolet Lamp

  12. ZSH/W-30型紫外线灯性能的测定

    Measurement of performance of ultraviolet lamp type zsh / w-30

  13. 紫外线灯用于改善地下空间环境的剖析

    An Analysis on Improvement of Underground Environment by Ultraviolet Lamps

  14. 汞汽灯(泡)(不包括紫外线灯)

    Mercury vapour lamp ( bulb ) ( excl. ultra violet lamps )

  15. 紫外线灯消毒引起电光性眼炎的原因分析与防护【医】日光眼炎,雪盲

    Ultraviolet light disinfection of ophthalmia caused by electro-optic cause analysis and protection

  16. 循环风消毒机与紫外线灯对空气消毒效果的比较

    Comparison of air disinfection efficacy of circulating air disinfection machine and ultraviolet lamp

  17. 微生物实验室紫外线灯强度调查

    Survey of intensity of ultraviolet lamp in microbiological laboratory

  18. 他们冒着患皮肤癌的危险,躺在紫外线灯下。

    They lie still under an ultra-violet lamp , tempting fate with skin cancer .

  19. A:你要紫外线灯到底有什么用?

    A : What in the world do you need a sun lamp for ?

  20. 放电灯(紫外线灯除外)

    Discharge lamp ( other than ultraviolet lamps )

  21. 累计使用时间大于1000小时紫外线灯强度变化临床观察

    The irradiation intensity change of ultraviolet lamp with accumulated use time more than 1000 hours

  22. 紫外线灯照射强度随电压与温度变化的规律

    Regularity of change of radiation intensity of ultraviolet lamp with change of voltage and temperature

  23. 方法采用紫外线灯自行改进饮水机原有结构。

    Methods The original structure of water dispenser was modified by installing additional UV lamps .

  24. 不同镇流器灯架上紫外线灯辐照度值的差别

    Difference of irradiation value of ultraviolet lamp mounted on lamp stands equipped with different ballasts

  25. 方法采用现场实验动态观察动态空气消毒机与紫外线灯的消毒效果。

    Methods The disinfectant efficacy of dynamic air disinfectant machine and ultraviolet ray was compared .

  26. 紫外线灯辐射强度合格率为52.5%,医院排放污水粪大肠杆菌检测合格率为61.1%。

    Coli examination of hospital sewage were 100 % , 52.5 % and 61.1 % respectively .

  27. 紫外线灯的安装使用与食品经营场所消毒效果的相关分析

    Correlation Analysis of the Installation and Use of Ultraviolet Lamp and Disinfection in The Catering Industry

  28. 紫外线灯有效辐射强度的变化条件与相应检测方法的研究

    Study on conditions of changes in effective radiation intensity of ultraviolet lamp and corresponding examination methods

  29. 目的:研究硝苯地平在紫外线灯及日光色荧光灯下的光解动力学。

    OBJECTIVE : Photo stability of nifedipine ( NF ) under ultraviolet and fluorescent lamps were studied .

  30. 消毒企业车间空气的紫外线灯使用现状调查

    Survey of present status of use of ultraviolet lamp for disinfection of air in workshops of enterprises