
  • 网络spiritual heritage;spiritual legacies
  1. 传承,我们当继承前辈什么精神遗产?

    What Should We Inherit from our Predecessors ' Spiritual Heritage ?

  2. 这些土著人民在努力收回他们的文化和精神遗产。

    The aborigines are in an effort to reclaim their cultural and spiritual heritage .

  3. 博弈论便是他伟大的精神遗产之一。

    He has left a legacy in things like game theory .

  4. 海南岛贬谪文化中的精神遗产分析

    An Analysis of the Spiritual Legacies in the Relegated Culture on Hainan Island

  5. 印度在全国释放了209名囚犯以表对圣雄甘地的精神遗产的缅怀。

    India celebrates Mahatma Gandhi legacy by releasing 209 prisoners throughout the country .

  6. 冰雪之操与旷达之怀。这些可贵的精神遗产至今尚具有着启发和借鉴意义。

    These valuable spiritual legacies are still enlightening and significant for reference nowadays .

  7. 浅谈20世纪我国图书馆精神遗产

    Talking about the Spiritual Estate of Our Country 's Library in 20th Century

  8. 近现代宁波私立学校的精神遗产

    The Spirit and Inheritance of Modern Ningbo Private Schools

  9. 翁同龢的精神遗产与常熟地方文化

    Weng Tonghe 's Spirit and Changshu Local Culture

  10. 北京奥运会精神遗产对我国国家形象的影响

    The Influence of Spiritual Heritage of Beijing Olympics on the Image of Our Country

  11. 犹太人和基督徒拥有同样一个巨大的精神遗产,源于上帝的自我启示。

    Jews and Christians share an immense spiritual patrimony , flowing from God 's self-revelation .

  12. 继承和发扬这笔精神遗产,对于进一步搞好对外开放工作具有重要的指导意义。

    To succeed and develop this spiritual legacy will play an important role in our opening process .

  13. 在德育教育方面,古代中国为今人留下了丰富的精神遗产,形成了优秀的德育传统,这具体表现在以下三个方面:重视德育的优良传统;

    In moral education , ancient Chinese have left rich spiritual legacy , forming an excellent tradition of moral education .

  14. 潘基文说,那一天联合国失去了它的一些最好的和最勇敢的工作人员,但他们的精神遗产永存。

    Mr. Ban said the U.N. lost some of its best and bravest staff that day , but their legacy endures .

  15. 我们不可能既提前使用我们子孙的物质财富,又不损害他们的政治和精神遗产。

    We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage .

  16. 如果你能随着音乐产生思想脉动,去体味这份精神遗产,感受那份舒缓而神秘的欢乐。

    Soothing , mysterious and joyous , the music moves you through the moods of Runic realm connecting with our spiritual heritage .

  17. 作为18世纪著名的学术巨擘和思想家,戴震为中国思想文化宝库留下了丰富的精神遗产。

    As one of the greatest thinkers in the eighteenth century , Dai Zhen leaves a rich spiritual heritage for Chinese thought and culture treasury .

  18. 当母亲们盼望女儿们能传承这些她们从中国带来的精神遗产时,女儿们却只想更好地融入美国社会。

    The mothers hope daughters could inherit the spiritual treasure they bring from China while the daughters pay their attention only to the acceptance of American society .

  19. 中国传统文化里有丰富的、独特的生态伦理思想,是人类宝贵的精神遗产,是人类可持续发展思想的渊源和活水源头。

    Chinese traditional culture having rich unique ecological ethics thought is man 's valuable spirit heritage and experience , also is historical origins of man 's sustainable development .

  20. 民本主义思想是中国历史重要的文化和精神遗产,是几千年封建社会中君主和士大夫阶层的统治之道。

    Populism is a important cultural heritage in the Chinese history , the way in which emperors and scholar-officials ruled over the country in the past thousands of years .

  21. 他的精神遗产包涵了爱国主义精神、近代化经济建设思想及勤政与廉洁高尚品德等丰富内容。

    The spiritual heritage left by him covers the rich contents of patriotism , modern economic construction ideas and lofty moralities of diligence in government affairs , honesty and integrity .

  22. 他最为宝贵的精神遗产,便是世间的机械论科学,都植根于简单的数学特性以及一些延伸领域。

    But he most important intellectual legacy of Descartes is really this ideal of a mechanistic science of the world , based on the simple mathematical properties of extended matter .

  23. 马克思恩格斯在对前人精神遗产进行批判继承的基础上,在长期的革命实践活动中形成了无产阶级舆论监督思想。

    On the basis of Marx and Engels ' criticizing the spiritual legacy of our predecessors , supervision by public opinion is formed during the long term of revolutionary activities .

  24. 那也许是我们将来回顾这一时代时记得最牢的精神遗产:在对付我们中间无形的恐惧之时,我们成了自己的囚徒。

    That may be the legacy we remember best when we look back on this age : In dealing with the unseen horrors among us , we became prisoners of ourselves .

  25. 面对如此巨大的精神遗产洪流,现代人在内心深层的极剧冲突中找回遥远的认同,日渐萎靡的精神状态与瞻前顾后理性主义显得脆弱不堪一击。

    Facing such a powerful current of spiritual heritage , modern people find identification with the remote past from the severe conflicts deep in their minds , and dispirited mental state and over-cautious rationalism become vulnerable .

  26. 由于鲁迅自身所具有的较崇高的人格,圣化成为继承鲁迅精神遗产的一类知识分子表达敬仰的内在诉求。

    Because of the " noble personality " of Luxun himself , " Deification " becomes some intellectuals ' internal request in the inheritance of the spiritual legacy of Luxun in order to express their admiration .

  27. 他的幽默文学、闲适小品、性灵文学和娓语笔调等文学主张都是现代文学批评史上弥足珍贵的精神遗产。

    Many of his literary ideas such as " humorous literature "," quiet essay "," personal style of writing ", and " spiritual literature " have become the precious spiritual heritages in modern literary critic history .

  28. 冰心,作为中国新文学的第一代开拓者,她的作品丰富多彩,是留给我们的宝贵精神遗产,同时也哺育、影响了几代作家。

    Bing Xin , as the first generation pioneer of Modern Chinese literture . Her works of literture are richly colorful , they are our precious energetic inheritance . At the same time they have nurtured and influenced several generations of writers .

  29. 尽管如此,立宪派对不平等条约的认识产生了重要的影响,其对不平等条约的分析,提出的具体改订条约的办法对后来都有重要的借鉴意义,同时这也是一笔丰富的精神遗产。

    Nevertheless , awareness of the unequal treaties of the constitutional party had a significant impact on the analysis of the unequal treaties , to the specific change treaty later have a major reference , this is also a rich spiritual heritage .

  30. 在主观上,他们更容易接受“精神遗产”,在历史冲突面前更难“超脱”,但同时,知识者对“未来”最为敏感,他们着眼一种新的生活。

    Subjectively , they were more willing to accept " spiritual legacy ", which enabled them to be " at ease " before historical clashes , but at the same time , they were most sensitive to the " future ", having a new life in mind .