
  1. 市场在巴黎,如雷阿勒商场,香格里拉Mégisserie,那些被发现Mouffetard路沿线,和类似的小型版本在其他城市是非常重要的粮食分配。

    Marketsin Paris such as Les Halles , la M é gisserie , those found along RueMouffetard , and similar smaller versions in other cities were veryimportant to the distribution of food .

  2. 在公元前123年,一个叫做盖约·格拉古的民权保护者出台了新粮食分配政策。

    In 123 B.C. , however , a tribune by the name of Gaius Gracchus introduced Lex Frumentaria .

  3. 对于发展中世界而言,增加农业生产,减少收获后损失,改善粮食分配渠道一直是其面临的主要挑战。

    Increasing agricultural production , reducing post harvest losses , and improving food distribution channels in the developing world have always been major challenges .

  4. 唐代官府手里的粮食分配,主要指供应皇室、百官俸禄、厨食、赈灾用粮及供应军队用粮等。

    The grain controlled by government mainly supplied to the imperial household food , rice as salary for officials , working food and relief requirement and the army requirement .

  5. 保护城乡地区最脆弱的群体需要有针对性的直接粮食分配、粮食补贴和现金转移以及包括学校供餐在内的营养计划。

    Protecting the most vulnerable in rural and urban areas would require targeted direct food distribution , food subsidies and cash transfers as well as nutritional programmes including school feeding .

  6. 汉代西北屯戍系统粮食分配问题探析&以汉简资料为中心这些粮食不是全国到处分配,而是搞几个点,专粮专用。

    Analysis of Foodstuff Allotment of the Northwest Garrison System in Han Dynasty & Taking the Wood Tablets and Bamboo Slips as center ; This grain would not be subject to nationwide distribution but put to special use in pig-raising in several selected centres .

  7. 第六,对古代粮食的分配问题进行探讨,认为由于封建社会剥削制度而造成农民在粮食分配的不公是产生古代粮食微观不安全的关键原因。

    We think that the key factor of the unsafe of food in microscopic is the unfair food distribution of farmers which caused by the feudal society .

  8. 把土地交给农民可以很快解决粮食缺乏和分配这两个孪生问题。

    Handing over the land to peasants could quickly solve the twin problems of food shortages and distribution .

  9. 随着他们日益强壮,他们开始领取世界粮食计划署分配的口粮并享用该中心菜园里种植的新鲜蔬菜,这些蔬菜是利用粮农组织提供的种子生产的。

    As they grow stronger they move on to World Food Programme rations and fresh vegetables grown in the centre gardens from seeds provided by FAO .

  10. 这组作者说,需要一个“多方面和相互联系的”策略,从而生产更多的粮食并确保公平分配。

    A " multifaceted and linked " strategy is needed to produce more food and ensure its fair distribution , say the authors .

  11. 只要具备政治意愿、决心和毅力,就能可持续生产出更多粮食,就能实现粮食合理分配。

    And , with political will , determination and persistence , more food can be sustainably produced and adequately distributed .

  12. 受制于收入水平,城镇低收入人群的粮食支出仅能满足基本生活需求、既有的粮食及粮食福利的分配对其很不利。

    Constrained by income , low-income group can only cover grain expenditure for basic life , and the distribution of grain and grain welfare is unfavorable for them .

  13. 全世界的粮食储备足够支撑4~5个星期的隔离,但前提是在此之前粮食要能平均分配。

    The world 's total food reserves are probably large enough to cover us for four or five weeks of quarantine , but the food would have to be evenly parceled out beforehand .