  • powder;noodles or vermicelli made from bean,potato or sweet potato starch
  • crush to powder;turn to powder;whitewash
  • whitewashed;white;pink
  • 细末儿:~末。~剂。~尘。米~。花~。药~。漂白~。

  • 特指化装用的粉末:香~。~墨登场。~黛。扑~。~霜。

  • 用涂料抹刷:~刷。~饰。

  • 使破碎,成为粉末:~碎。~身碎骨。

  • 白色的或带粉末的:~墙。~蝶。~连纸。~笔。

  • 用豆粉或别的粉做成的食品:~丝。凉~。~皮。~芡(qiàn)。米~肉。

  • 浅红色:~色。~花。


(粉末) powder:

  • 面粉


  • 花粉


  • 香粉

    face powder;

  • 奶粉

    powdered milk;

  • 爽身粉

    talcum powder;

  • 洗衣粉


  • 漂白粉

    bleaching powder;

  • 去污粉


  • 药粉

    medicine in the form of a powder;

  • 擦粉

    powder one's face


(用淀粉制成的粉条或粉丝) noodles or vermicelli made from bean,potato or sweet potato starch:

  • 凉粉

    bean jelly


(弄成碎末) crush to powder:

  • 粉碎

    crush; smash


[方] (变成粉末) turn to powder:

  • 石灰已经粉了。

    The lime has turned to powder.


[方] (粉刷) whitewash:

  • 墙已粉过。

    The wall had been whitewashed.


(带着白粉的; 白色的) whitewashed; white:

  • 粉蝶

    white butterfly


(粉红) pink:

  • 粉牡丹

    pink peony;

  • 粉色

    pink colour;

  • 粉纸

    pink paper

  1. 大量购买洗衣粉通常要省钱些。

    It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities .

  2. 按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。

    Add more curry powder depending on the strength required .

  3. 有各种各样的清洗液和去污粉供应。

    A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available .

  4. 她往脸上搽了粉,又涂上了口红。

    She powdered her face and put on her lipstick .

  5. 子粒被捣成了细粉。

    The seeds were pounded to a fine powder .

  6. 壤土是由大约等份的黏土、沙和粉砂合成的。

    Loam is a soil with roughly equal proportions of clay , sand and silt .

  7. 适量放盐和胡椒粉。

    Add salt and pepper to taste .

  8. 给土豆放上盐和胡椒粉。

    Salt and pepper the potatoes .

  9. 加一点胡椒粉。

    Add a sprinkling of pepper .

  10. 她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。

    She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge .

  11. 她在我的食物上撒了点胡椒粉,看着我吃。

    She sprinkled pepper on my grub , watching me nosh .

  12. 调以盐、胡椒和少许辣椒粉。

    Season with salt , pepper and a pinch of cayenne .

  13. 这要看你下多重的辣椒粉了。

    It all depends on how heavy-handed you are with the paprika

  14. 象牙海岸成为世界上可可粉的主要产地。

    The Ivory Coast became the world 's leading cocoa producer .

  15. 如果找不到面点专用粉,可以用通用面粉。

    Use all-purpose flour if you cannot find pastry flour .

  16. 酌量添加番茄酱、盐和胡椒粉。

    Add tomato paste , salt and pepper to taste .

  17. 然后那些咖啡豆被磨碎,包装好作为咖啡粉出售。

    The beans are then ground and packaged for sale as ground coffee

  18. 将肉在粗研的黑胡椒粉里滚一下以调味。

    Roll the meat in coarsely ground black pepper to season it .

  19. 将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。

    Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl .

  20. 将粗麦粉浸于大约6个柠檬榨出的果汁中,浸泡整夜。

    Soak the couscous overnight in the juice of about six lemons .

  21. 用杵和臼,将麸皮磨成粗粉。

    Using a pestle and mortar , pulverise the bran to a coarse powder

  22. 往蛋奶沙司粉里加入一点儿牛奶,搅成糊糊。

    Blend a little milk with the custard powder to form a paste .

  23. 加入少量的凉水,将玉米粉搅拌成均匀的糊状。

    Blend the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water .

  24. 我总是加一些辣椒粉来提味儿。

    I always add some paprika for extra flavour .

  25. 他们控制了大量的可可粉,因此他们几乎垄断了整个市场。

    They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market

  26. 花了半个钟头才把浴缸上的柑橘粉擦洗掉。

    It took half an hour to clean the orange powder off the bath

  27. 警察用胡椒粉喷雾剂喷他。

    The officers blasted him with pepper spray .

  28. 用盐和胡椒粉给肉调味。

    Season the meat with salt and pepper

  29. 在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的黏土。

    Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay .

  30. 用散粉来定妆,将多余的粉掸掉。

    Use loose powder to set your makeup , dusting the excess off with a brush .