
  • 网络coupling;band;ferrule
  1. 介绍了新型(W型)管箍式离心铸铁排水管的组成、结构特点与其他类型排水管的比较。

    Assembly and structural features of W type cast iron drain pipe in centrifugal casting were introduced . Comparison with other types of drain pipes was conducted .

  2. 基于SLS管箍零件的覆膜砂铸型制造农机覆盖件模具CAD系统零件设计图库的建立

    Precoated Resin Sand Direct Casting Mold of Pipe Hoop Based on Selective Laser Sintering Element Design Gallery Building of Farm Machine Panel Die CAD System

  3. 新型排水柔性接口铸铁管按其接口形式分为A型柔性接口和W型无承口管箍式两种。

    According to the interface type , the new-type drainage cast-iron pipe with flexible interface can be divided into two kinds , A-type flexible interface and W-type no-faucet pipe hoop .

  4. 修井机管箍检测技术研究与监控系统设计

    Study on Workover Rig Pipe Hoop Testing Technology and Monitoring System Design

  5. 松开催化转化器和排气系统之间的连接管箍。

    Release connecting straps between the catalytic converters and the exhaust system .

  6. 通过上述实验验证了本文所提出的油管管箍检测技术是可行的。

    This experiment proves that oil pipe hoop testing technology which is proposed in this paper is feasible .

  7. 动力钳和自动旋紧管箍机的载荷压力传感器:设计用在动力钳或钻杆的组装和拆卸应用中。

    Power Tongs and Torque Turns Load Cells : Designed for use in power tongs or drill pipe make-up and break-out applications .

  8. 管箍检测技术采用一个激励线圈激磁,两个相同的检测线圈采取差动连接方式进行检测。

    Pipe hoop testing technology uses an incentive coil to get excitation and two identical testing coil connected through a differential way for testing .

  9. 安装、拆卸、调试时注意保护密封件表面、管箍螺纹不要碰伤、划伤,否则阀门不能满足正常工作。

    Avoid the surface of the seal components and threaded coupling from bumps and scratches during the process of installation , dismantling and debugging , otherwise , the valve cannot work normally .