
  • 网络Management Consultant;ICMCI
  1. 作为管理咨询师,Richard指导和培训客户采用并实施敏捷方法和Scrum。

    As a management consultant , Richard has coached and mentored clients on the adoption and implementation of Agile and Scrum .

  2. 管理咨询师JohannaRothman在“让你的任务更务实(MakeYourMissionPossible)”一文中指出,缺少任务宣言将使你的团队很难拒绝不合理的要求。

    In " Make Your Mission Possible " Johanna Rothman , Management Consultant , suggests that the lack of a mission statement is making it difficult for your team to say no.

  3. 32岁的松本圭介认为,寺庙应该成为管理咨询师彼得德鲁克(PeterDrucker)所称的变革推动者,为人们提供一个可以实现心灵觉醒的地方。

    The 32-year-old believes temples should be what Peter Drucker , the management consultant , called change agents , offering people a place where they can achieve their spiritual awakening .

  4. 但即使是一位管理咨询师,也能剥下中国神秘的外衣。

    But even a management consultant can demystify China .

  5. 管理咨询师,女性,44岁

    Management consultant , female , 44

  6. 企联和国家人事部批准的北京首家国家注册管理咨询师培训机构。

    The first National Certified Management Consultant Training organization in Beijing approved by China Enterprise Confederation and the Ministry of Personnel .

  7. 许多风险管理咨询师建议,企业关注他们认为最可能发生的风险,而不管这些风险的随机程度。

    Many risk management consultants advise businesses to concentrate on those risks deemed most likely to occur , regardless of the randomness of their nature .

  8. 令我担忧的是,商学院培养出来的往往是管理咨询师和投资银行家,而没有足够多的制造商以及我们高科技行业的领袖。

    I worry that business schools have tended to turn out management consultants and investment bankers and not enough manufacturers or leaders for our high-tech industries .

  9. 花旗的雇员已经因为介绍客户而获得奖金,例如,当一名财富管理咨询师帮助一位客户开了一张信用卡或者一个支票账户时。

    Citi employees already get paid for referrals , when , for example , a wealth management adviser helps a client open a credit card or a checking account .

  10. 担任省长或市长等职的官员必须接受评级,依据是一长串看似由管理咨询师拟定的数字指标。

    Officials holding posts such as governor or mayor are rated according to a lengthy list of numerical indicators that look like they were drawn up by management consultants .

  11. 这两位年轻女性意识到俩人作为一个团队工作起来非常合拍。巴尔纳表示:“但我们并没有因此想要共同创立一个公司。”巴尔纳现年29岁,在进入哈佛商学院之前是一位管理咨询师。

    It helped the women to realise they worked well together as a team , " but we didn 't necessarily want to start a business together , " says Ms Barna , now 29 , a management consultant before going to HBS .

  12. 我敢肯定,股票经纪人、律师也很快就能想起一大票“askholes”客户,更不用说那些管理顾问、咨询师、教师、父母等等——他们全都遭遇过askholes。

    I 'm sure stock brokers and lawyers can quickly think of dozens of askholes from among their clientele . That 's not to mention management consultants , counsellors , teachers , parents , and so on - all of whom have dealt with askholes .