
  • 网络The Management Theory Jungle
  1. 科学哲学视角下的管理理论丛林成因探析

    Causes for The Management Theory Jungle under A Philosophy of Science Perspective

  2. 西方企业知识管理理论丛林中的学派

    The Schools in the Jungle of Western Knowledge Management Theories

  3. 国际企业文化理论兴起于20世纪80年代初,它克服了以往古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林理论的不足,导致了西方企业界一场意义深刻的革命。

    The theory of foreign enterprise culture originated in the early 1980s . It overcame the limitations of classical management theory , behaviour science management theory , management jungle theory and led to a profound revolution in western enterprises .

  4. 另一方面,如果不对其进行系统的整合,这些过于复杂多样化的理论和方法又会给企业战略管理实施者增添无形的障碍,使他们在纷繁的战略管理理论的丛林中无所适从,望而却步。

    On the other hand , the rather complicated theories and methods frustrate the implementer of Corporate Strategy Management , which makes them perplexed and confused in the jungle of all the Strategy Management theories .

  5. 管理生态学是在西方管理学的发展经过了古典管理理论、行为科学管理理论、管理丛林管理理论之后,目前管理学界和管理哲学界正在研究的一个新课题。

    Management ecology , is a new subject for the management circles and management philosophy circles after management theory went through the following theories : " Classic Management Theory " " Behavior-Science Management Theory " and " Jungle Management Theory " .