
  • 网络simple life
  1. 它体现了简约生活的人类价值观念。

    It means taking humans " essential values , the simplicity of living .

  2. 搬回芬兰,生活很自在,开销也少了一半。对喜好简约生活的人说不失为一种好方法。

    Moving back to Finland not only gives me more flexibility , but also cuts my expenses in half , which is always a nice thing when you 're fond of minimalism .

  3. 《简单的快乐》作者一书弗朗辛·杰(FrancineJay)说:简约主义生活方式需要人们留心对待自己所拥有的物品,所购买的物品,以及对时间的利用。

    A minimalist lifestyle entails being mindful about the things we own , the things we buy , and how we spend our time , said Francine Jay , author of The Joy of Less .

  4. 简约的生活能给我减压,让我更适于工作。

    It makes me more effective and life less stressful .

  5. 对于弗朗辛·杰来说,简约式生活给她和丈夫带来了旅行。

    For Francine Jay , living minimally allowed her and her husband to travel .

  6. 将其文化特征归纳为理性的思维方式、独立的人格状态和简约的生活方式。

    Summarized their cultural identity to rational way of thinking , independent personality status , and simple way of life .

  7. 但是无论在哪里,只要你想,都可以实现简约的生活,这样的生活方式可以让你拥有更多的积蓄,以及更加舒适的生活体验,更少的物品需要打理。

    But you can live a minimalist life anywhere and capture more money for savings and great experiences , and have less stuff to maintain and clean .

  8. 我开始崇尚简约的生活。只因为再一次面临搬家时,忽而再一次发现我竟然拥有那么多没有必要的物品。

    I begin to live a simple life just because I suddenly find out so many useless stuffs in my house weeks before I have to move out .

  9. 简约主义在生活陶瓷设计中的风格倾向

    The style trends of simplicity in the design of life ceramics

  10. 选择约美,就是选择简约美好的生活!

    Choose Yuemei , choose the simple and beautiful life !

  11. 然而,以他的简约精神作为生活的准则,在喧嚣的现代城市里是可行的。

    However , the simple-life spirit from Thoreau is what we can follow even in our chaos cities .

  12. 通过对上海托普软件园总体规划及建筑方案设计的创意与手法的阐述,反映作者在数字化时代软件园区设计中追求简约·自然生活新思路,新概念。

    The paper illustrates the architect 's new conception and view about clarity and nature life in a digitization world , by looking back on the planning and architectural design of TOP software section , Shanghai .

  13. 简约·自然的生活&以上海托普软件园区规划建筑设计为例

    Clarity and Nature Life & Example of TOP Software Section , Shanghai

  14. 正如生活几何这款餐椅设计,在简约中努力寻求生活的改善。

    Such as the design of the dinning chair performing the improvement of life in the simple style .

  15. 后来到了18世纪末19世纪初震颤教极其简约、功能的生活信条及设计风格形成了现代功能主义的萌芽。

    In the later of 18th century and earlier of 19th , Shakers ' belief and design style of frugality and function had developed into the bud of modern functionalism .