
chóu suàn
  • Preparation;count;rod-arithmetic
筹算 [chóu suàn]
  • [count] 古代计算方法之一,用刻有数字的竹筹来计算数目。亦称筹策

  • 又因向闻此地素精筹算,要去访访来历。--《镜花缘》

筹算[chóu suàn]
  1. 例如:彩虹全息、三维众色、消色不对、假不黑白全息图、筹算机制全息图等。

    For example : caihong holographic radiotheraphy retarder ′ s , multi-color , true color hologram computer-generated hologram .

  2. 那便是我对即将到去的国庆假期的筹算。

    This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday .

  3. 我明天筹算去中猴子园。

    I planing to go to ZhongShan park tomorrow .

  4. 暑假便要到了,我筹算战怙恃去北京。

    Summer holiday is coming . I will go to Beijing with my parents .

  5. 人心筹算自己的道路,惟耶和华指引他的脚步。

    In his heart a man plans his course , but the Lord determines his steps .

  6. 将你心所愿的赐给你,成就你的一切筹算。

    4May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed .

  7. 计谋都凭筹算立定。打仗要凭智谋。

    Every purpose is put into effect by wise help : and by wise guiding make war .

  8. 我心里筹算,终日愁苦,要到几时呢。

    How long shall I take counsel in my soul , having sorrow in my heart daily ?

  9. 耶和华的筹算永远立定,他心中的思念万代常存。

    The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever , the thoughts of his heart to all generations .

  10. 取而代之的是,谈论一些在职业方面对你很首要的工作和你筹算如何实现这些。

    Instead , discuss things that are important to you professionally and how you plan to achieve them .

  11. 人心多有计谋。惟有耶和华的筹算,才能立定。

    A man 's heart may be full of designs , but the purpose of the Lord is unchanging .

  12. 一位著名牧师和他教区的几位老人出席城外会议直到进夜才开完会,他们筹算在回家前吃点工具。

    A distinguished clergyman and the elders from his congregation attended an out-of-town meeting that did not finish until rather late .

  13. 真践上,阿谁宇皱云云被切确天筹算着,以致于人类可以或许大概操做阿谁天体做为时分挤素的基准。

    Indeed , the universe is so precisely organized that man can use the heavenly bodies as the basis for his timekeeping .

  14. 年青肥胖的女人要是筹算怀孩子应该试着经由过程手术或行为减肥。

    Obese young women who are planning to have children some day should try to lose weight through weight-loss surgery or behavioral changes .

  15. 我原筹算在今年二月访谒印度,后来不得不推迟,这使我出格失踪望。

    It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to India in February this year .

  16. 11[和合]我召鸷鸟从16东方来,召那成17就我筹算的人从远方来。

    [ NIV ] From the east I summon a bird of prey ; from a far-off land , a man to fulfill my purpose .

  17. 盘是中国人在长期使用算筹的基础上发明的。古时候,人们用小木棍进行计算,这些小木棍叫“算筹”,用“算筹”作为工具进行的计算叫“筹算”。

    The abacus was invented on the basis that Chinese used the counting-rod for a long period.In ancient times , people used small rods to count .

  18. 老婆据说丈妇的出轨后(出有被确认),其筹算诉讼离婚,但她担心她将会掉踪往房产。

    The wife learned that her husband had been unfaithful ( this is why they are not identified ) and planned to file for divorce , but she worried she would lose the property .

  19. 本文论述构造性思维方式与数学机械化的关系,指出中国古算机械化思想受制于筹算体系思维方式的特点,可以说是构造性思维方式作用下的必然结果。

    This paper expounds the relationship between Constructive mode of thinking and Mechanization mathematics , bespeaking that mechanical thought of Ancient Chinese Mathematics is restricted by its features of rod arithmetic system , and it is due to the action of constructive mode of thinking .