
  • 网络Equivalent adoption;adopting by equivalent;EQV
  1. 等效采用APISPEC8A为我国石油天然气行业标准《钻井和采油提升设备规范》,处理好采标标准中的引用标准是关键。

    Equivalent adopting API Spec 8A for China petroleum industry standard " Drilling and Production Lifting Device Specification " is the key to the quoted standards in the adopted standard .

  2. 我国于1992年10月宣布等效采用ISO9000系列标准,发布了GB/T19000质量管理和质量保证系列标准。

    China published its GB / T19000 series of quality management and quality assurance standards in October 1992 , equivalent to ISO 9000 series established by the International Organization for Standardization .

  3. 为保证我国风冷和水冷二冲程汽油机油达到国外先进质量水平,等效采用日本JASO、美国NMMA以及ASTM有关试验方法,建立了二冲程油性能评定台架。

    To make domestic wind cooling and water cooling two stroke gasoline engine oils reach advanced level abroad , evaluation bench on performances of two stroke oil was set up by taking some test methods of JASO from Japan , NMMA from America and ASTM .

  4. 电池行业等同、等效采用国际标准或国外先进标准任务繁重。

    It is a heavy task to identically or equivalently adopt international standards and advanced overseas standards for battery industry .

  5. 本文就该标准中噪声限值制订原则,等效采用国际标准情况,噪声限值与产品质量分等及测量仪器的主要特点,与旧标准的主要不同点及标准贯彻中的问题进行了探讨。

    Noise limits versus product quality classification ; major characters of measuring instruments ; differences from old standards and problems in the implementation of standards are investigated in this article .

  6. 告诫企业在开发新产品、进行技术改造时,应积极采用国际标准或国外先进标准,并且要尽量等同、等效采用,增强参与国际竞争的实力。

    The author cautions that domestic enterprises should actively adopt international standards and advanced foreign standards when they develop new products or conduct technical modification in order to intensify their competitiveness in international market .

  7. 根据实际工作经验和对国家标准GB/T2819与GB/T2820(等效采用国际标准)的对比分析,对发电机组功率确定中存在的若干问题提出了一些看法。

    Proposed some views on a lot question existed in determined generating set power according to contrasting analysis of practical working experience and national standard GB / T2819 & GB / T2820 ( equivalent adopting national standard ) .

  8. 研究结果表明:中国城市公共汽车循环工况与欧洲的差别较大;在我国公共汽车上等效采用欧Ⅲ排放法规时,所测得的发动机排放水平不同于发动机实际使用中的排放水平。

    The study results show that Chinese city bus drive cycle is different from those of Europe , the measured engine exhaust emission level is different from the engine actual exhaust emission level when Euro - ⅲ exhaust emission regulation is applied to the Chinese city bus .

  9. 通过对压控振荡的基本原理的分析结合FBAR的等效模型采用电容式反馈的原理起振,使其振荡频率能稳定的输出。

    Through the principle of the equivalent model of the analysis combined with the basic principle of the voltage controlled oscillation FBAR using capacitive feedback oscillation , its oscillation frequency to a stable output .

  10. 等效半径采用两种计算方法。

    Two methods are used to calculate the equivalent radius .

  11. 并以感应加热电源的交流侧谐波为研究对象,对感应加热电源进行模型等效,采用傅里叶级数分析法对其进行谐波分析。

    Taking AC harmonic as the research subject , this paper uses Fourier series to analyze the harmonic of equivalent model of induction heating power supply .

  12. 经典地震动等效方法采用简谐波模拟不规则大脉冲的近场强地震动,将地震荷载过于简单化,较为粗糙,不能反映土层地震响应的实际情况,有改进的必要。

    Equivalent to the classical method of ground motion simulation using harmonic near-field irregular large pulses of strong ground motion , the seismic load is too simplistic , rougher , does not reflect the actual situation of seismic response of soil , there is need for improvement .

  13. 基于能量等效原理,采用三维有限元方法,考虑短纤维位向的随机分布对复合材料弹性模量的影响,利用有限元能量法对δ-Al2O3(Safil)/Al合金复合材料的弹性模量进行了预测。

    Based on the energy equivalence principle , the elastic modulus of Al2O3f / Al composite was predicted by means of the Finite Element Method . In the predicting , the random orientation distribution of short fiber was considered .

  14. 采用状态反馈矩阵加前置串接比例补偿器,对线性系统进行积分型解耦的方法,等效变换为采用一个被定义的等效串接设计比例阵Kc,加前置串接比例补偿器G来实现。

    The method of decoupling by integral form for control systems through state feedback matrix plus forward cascade proportional compensator can be equivalently reduced to that of a defined equivalent cascade design proportional matrix plus forward cascade proportional-compensator .

  15. 由于建立RBF网络编码简单、误差曲线平滑、操作方便,故室内外冻融循环次数等效关系模型采用RBF网络模型较为理想。

    Because RBF codes is simple , the curve of error is smoother , and easy to apply , therefore for the equivalent relational model of indoor and outside thaw-freeze cycle number of times , uses the RBF network to be more ideal .

  16. 本文基于能量等效原理,采用有限元法和随机统计试验的Monte-Carlo方法相结合的随机分析数值方法,提出了可用于短纤维复合材料刚度预报的有限元随机能量法。

    Based on energy equivalence Principle , a finite element stochastic on-ergy method is presented to predict the mechanical properties of short fiber composite materials . The method is a combined method of the finite ele-ment method with Monte carlo stochastic sampling method .

  17. 分析了不同开关频率范围内电路工作原理,并建立了基波等效电路,采用基波分析方法对LLC谐振电路的电压增益特性、输入阻抗特性进行了研究,确定了电路软开关工作范围。

    Analyzed the circuit working principles in different frequency range , established the fundamental equivalent circuit , the LLC resonant circuit voltage gain characteristics , input impedance characteristics has been analyzed through fundamental analysis method , determined the soft-switching working range .

  18. 其中背景等效风荷载采用拟平均荷载法计算,共振等效风荷载采用惯性力法计算。

    The background component is calculated by Quasi-Mean-Load method while the resonant component is calculated by inertial wind load method .

  19. 基于应变等效假设,采用复数模量定义了两种损伤效应交互作用时的损伤变量。

    Based on strain equivalence hypothesis , complex modulus was used to define the damage variable when two different damage interact .

  20. 将双向偏压构件中的四边形、三角形等多边形砼受压区简化为等效矩形,采用多排配筋且沿截面周边均匀对称配置来简化双向偏压的实用计算。

    The computation of partiality compression with two ways was simplified by several line reinforcement dispassion and symmetry dispassion around section , it can be used the substitution of equal rectangle in effects for rectangle or triangle concrete compression zone .

  21. 首先给出了定子双绕组异步电机通用数学模型及等效电路,采用解析法对不同绕组结构的定子双绕组异步电机漏电抗计算进行了系统地分析,导出了相应的计算公式。

    In this paper , the general mathematic model and equivalent circuit of dual stator-winding induction machine are proposed . The analytical calculations of leakage reactance of dual stator-winding induction machine with different winding structure are presented systematically , the relevant formulas are derived .

  22. 该方案的优点是运用了大规模可编程逻辑器件FPGA来实现随机等效采样而不是采用典型的基于双斜率电容充放电的电路来实现的。

    The project applied the Field Programmable Gates Array ( FPGA ) to realize random equivalent sampling . That did not use double slope integral amplifier to realize equivalent sampling .

  23. 除了电路制作和控制编程外,本文从FED显示屏典型像元的等效电路入手,采用理论公式推导、分析和仿真结合,指出了驱动电路设计中的关键参数选择准则。

    Besides the circuit design and program , in the paper , according to the typical equivalent pixel unit circuit , analyze the key parameter of the circuit by the support of theory formula deduction , analysis and simulation .

  24. 线路的分布参数模型是比较准确的等效模型,但采用该模型后测距方程却是非线性的。

    The distributed line module is accurate while it makes location equation nonlinear .

  25. 然后用等效波导模型,采用模匹配法分析波导中旋转叶片对Y极化传输电磁波的调制效应,这种调制效应是用旋转叶片对波导模的反射系数的变化规律来表示的。

    This modulation effect is represented by change regularity of reflect coefficient of rotor blade on waveguide mode .

  26. 通过对挠度采用一阶Hermiter插值,对转角、等效弯矩、等效剪力采用零阶Hermite插值将积分方程离散,迭代求解,分析了Winkler地基板的弯曲问题。

    Through adopting one-order Hermite interpolation to deflection and zero order to slope , the equivalent moment and shear to discrete boundary integral equations and solving the final equations interactively , the bending of the winkler elastic foundation plates is studied .

  27. 在微波有源电路建模过程中,由于有些器件内部的等效电路复杂或者不能得到该器件的内部等效电路,无法采用传统的时域有限差分(FDTD)方法对该器件进行建模。

    There are no ways to model some microwave active devices that have complex equivalent circuits , or even cannot yield their equivalent circuits by using traditional finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method .

  28. 首先利用等效原理将原问题转化为不同区域的等效问题,然后采用RWG基函数结合离散复镜像法在空域对等效问题进行全波分析。

    With the discrete complex images method ( DCIM ) and RWG basis functions , we can give a full-wave analysis of equivalence problems in the spatial domain without the Sommerfeld integrals .