
  • 网络Equal Allocation
  1. 用等分法查找乒乓球单淘汰赛的种子位置

    Seed Position Determination About Single Elimination Series of Table Tennis by An Equal Division Method

  2. 在基尼系数的估算方法中,比较有代表性的方法有直接计算法、回归曲线法、人口等分法和城乡分解法等。

    The most important ones in the appraisal method of Gini coefficient are direct calculation method , regression curve method and other two methods .

  3. 在数据处理中对探头的计数分区采用等分法和不等分法,并对二者进行比较;

    The detector of the counter regions is divided by the equally dividing method and the non-equally dividing method in the data processing , and both methods are compared .

  4. 该文针对爆炸与冲击数值模拟中压力数据的特点,给出了标量场的可视化处理方法,即分类等分法和求模取余法;

    With the results of the numerical simulation of explosion and shock , this paper presents two methods for the visualization of scalar data , i.e. , the part-labeled and modular .

  5. 本文在理论计算的基础上,根据储层特征模拟设定的裂缝形状和施工参数,用时间等分法求解了某次压裂施工的前置液量。

    Based on theoretic calculation , fracture shape and treatment parameters are given in terms of formation characteristics , and the quantity of ahead fluid for one treatment has been evaluated by using the time halving method .

  6. 运用山西省1992年至2003年的数据,使用直接计算法、人口等分法、拟合曲线法和简易计算等方法计算基尼系数并对城镇居民收入均衡度进行实证分析。

    Then Gini coefficient is calculated on those methods which is direct calculation method , regression curve method , population equal partition method and the concise calculation method , and studying the degree of counter balance of all income of cities and towns residents .

  7. 给出三种可靠性分配方法,即等分配法、AGREE法、最小努力分配法。

    Three methods of reliability distribution , i.e. Agreement method , AGREE method , Exertion minimum are given .

  8. 基于等分节点法的时延驱动布局算法

    A New Timing Driven Placement Based on Two Equal Terminals Partition Method

  9. 梯形对称二等分叶法吻合小血管

    Small vascular anastomosis with two trapezoid and symmetrical lobulated flap

  10. 提出了一个新的基于等分节点法的时延驱动布局算法。

    A new timing driven placement algorithm based on two equal terminals partition method for standard cell placement was presented .

  11. 介绍了基于海浪谱的等分能量法对海浪的模拟、采用球形方法模拟的天空及基于粒子系统和图像合成方法的船舶航迹流的模拟。

    It proposed wave simulation based on wave spectrums and ship 's wakes simulation based on particle system and image synthesis .

  12. 应用对简支悬索桥承受横向风载时的均等分配法原理,增补了对三跨连续悬索桥受横向风载时的近似计算公式。

    Applied the principle of equal distribution method for simple supported suspension bridge bearing the transverse wind load , this paper supplements the formula of approximate calculation for three span continuous suspension bridge bearing the same load .

  13. 炉膛辐射换热直接交换面积的等分递推算法

    The equi-zoning reciprocity method for calculating radiant direct exchange areas for furnace

  14. 问题的焦点是,五等分比差法和基尼系数法能否反映两极分化的基本规定性,尤其是两极分化质的规定性?

    The focal point lies in whether they can reflect the basic regularity of polarization , especially the nature of polarization regularity .

  15. 介绍了辐射换热预解区域法的综合总交换面积解算方程组,概要地说明了两种工程实用的计算辐射直接交换面积的选点蒙特&卡洛数值积分法和等分递推法。

    This paper presents the solution system of algebraic equations for calculating total exchange areas of Hottel 's preserving zoning method for radiation heat transfer ;

  16. 大半径凹形竖曲线巷道腰线的等分弧长设计法

    Evenly Arc Method of Tunnel Stringcourse with Sweeping Matrix Vertical Curve