
  • 网络Savills;Savills Plc
  1. 目前,经济学人信息部(EconomistIntelligentUnit,EIU)将新加坡列为全球消费最高的城市。而根据第一太平戴维斯(Savills)的数据,香港拥有全球最高的房价。

    The Economist Intelligent Unit now ranks Singapore as the world 's most expensive city , while Hong Kong has its highest home prices , according to Savills .

  2. 第一太平戴维斯驻都柏林的住宅业务主管默里(GrahamMurray)举例称,都柏林的住宅存量在减少,而需求却在增长。

    In Dublin , for example , inventory is tightening and demand is rising , said Graham Murray , head of residential for Savills in Dublin .

  3. 市场需求不断见涨,国际房产经纪机构第一太平戴维斯(Savills)主管华南区投资与销售的高级经理StanleyCheung说。

    Demand is going up , says Stanley Cheung , senior manager of investment and sales for southern China at the international estate agents Savills .

  4. 第一太平戴维斯零售发展部门的主管保罗•赖特(PaulWright)表示:未来5至7年内,筹备中的购物中心面积预计在5000万至8000万平方英尺之间。

    Paul Wright , Savills director of retail development , said : Shopping centre space in the pipeline is estimated at between 50 and 80m sq ft over the next five to seven years .

  5. 据第一太平戴维斯全球研究部(SavillsWorldResearch)、设计公司Candy&Candy以及德意志资产及财富管理(DeutscheAssetandWealthManagement)联合发布的新报告,全球12个前景良好的豪宅市场中包括尼日利亚首都格拉斯。

    The Nigerian city is among a list of 12 up-and-coming luxury markets around the globe , according to a new report from Savills World Research , in cooperation with design firm Candy & Candy and Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management .

  6. 沿着海岸,在圣莫斯(StMawes),第一太平戴维斯在以两百万英镑的价格出售一栋拥有一个私人停船区的四房维多利亚式房子。

    Along the coast , in St Mawes , Savills is selling a four-bedroom Victorian house with a private mooring for & # 163 ; 2m .

  7. 相反,国际房地产咨询结构第一太平戴维斯(savills)的主管卢西安库克(luciancook)则更多地倚重房地产市场自身的供求基本面,但他同样持悲观态度。

    By contrast , Lucian cook , director at Savills , the international estate agency , looks more to fundamentals of supply and demand for property itself . But he is also gloomy .

  8. 破产管理机构德勤(Deloitte)已任命地产中介第一太平戴维斯(Savills)和德勤地产(DeloitteRealEstate)负责出售这栋大楼。据了解市场行情的人士称,该大楼的市值据信至少为6.50亿英镑。

    Administrators Deloitte have appointed estate agents Savills and Deloitte Real Estate to sell the building , which is thought to have a market value of at least & # 163 ; 650m , according to those with knowledge of the market .

  9. 如今,投行瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)和房地产经纪商第一太平戴维斯(Savills)预测,今年香港的门店租金将下跌20%,另一家房地产服务公司仲量联行(JLL)预计,租金将下跌10%至15%。

    Now investment bank Credit Suisse and estate agent Savills expect rents to fall by 20 per cent this year , while JLL , another property company , expects a 10-15 per cent drop .

  10. 亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)说。

    Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts , says Yolande Barnes , head of world research at Savills .

  11. 第一太平戴维斯中伦敦投资主管斯蒂芬•唐(StephenDown)表示,“小黄瓜”是位于“伦敦商业核心区中心”的“全球公认的地标性建筑”。

    Stephen Down , head of central London investment at Savills , said the Gherkin was " a globally recognised landmark building " sitting " at the heart of London 's business core . " London 's commercial property market has started to boom as investors   pour

  12. 房地产咨询公司第一太平戴维斯(Savills)表示,自房地产市场18个月前见顶以来,对普通国内买家而言,房价已下跌15%左右。

    House prices have fallen by about 15 per cent for the average domestic buyer since the market reached its peak 18 months ago , according to Savills , the property consultancy .

  13. 物业咨询公司第一太平戴维斯(savills)表示,预计未来5年内,可能有40%的购物中心建设计划将被放弃或者推迟。

    The number of planned shopping centres expected to be abandoned or delayed could be as high as 40 per cent over the next five years , according to Savills , the property consultancy .

  14. 第一太平戴维斯(Savills)中国研究主管刘德扬(AlbertLau)表示:在15年的蓬勃发展之后,中国楼市正在接近成熟。中国经济正在寻求整合&这种局面促使开发商寻找新的机遇。

    After 15 years of vigorous growth , the Chinese property market is approaching a point of maturity . The Chinese economy is looking to consolidate – that pushes the developers to look for new opportunities , says Albert Lau , head of China research at Savills .

  15. 第一太平戴维斯全球研究部负责人巴尔内斯(YolandeBarnes)预计,随着纽约、伦敦和香港等主要市场房价的继续上涨,豪宅买家将越来越多地在不太成熟的市场寻找更有价值的物业。

    As prices continue to rise in prime markets like New York , London and Hong Kong , Yolande Barnes , director of Savills World Research , predicts that luxury buyers will increasingly look to less mature markets for better value .

  16. 第一太平戴维斯表示,乌节路拥有新加坡一些最昂贵的楼盘,去年有4000套豪华公寓完工。

    Orchard Road has some of the most expensive property in Singapore , with 4,000 luxury condominiums completed over the past year , says Savills .

  17. 然而,第一太平戴维斯认为,由于住房价格不断上涨、住宅市场日渐成熟和监管力度不断加强,租金收益率在未来两年可能会有所下降。

    However , yields are likely to decrease over the next two years because of increasing residential prices , the maturation of the residential property market and increased regulation , according to Savills .

  18. 在伦敦,最近一套连栋住宅以1.2亿美元成交,是第一太平戴维斯房价排行榜上的第三昂贵豪宅,平均价格为每平方英尺3500英镑(约合5300美元)。

    London , where a terraced house recently traded for close to $ 120 million , ranked third on Savills ' list , with an average price per square foot of 3 , 500 ( or about $ 5 , 300 ) .

  19. 虽然去年亿万富豪们频频出手——或者说,正是因为如此——第一太平戴维斯认为全球最昂贵住宅市场今年的销售情况会放缓,因为超级富有的住宅买家们“几乎在各主要城市都充分进行了投资。”这意味着席卷了纽约、

    Despite last year 's robust billionaire buying activity - or rather , because of it - Savills believes the world 's most expensive markets could experience a slowdown in sales this year , since ultra wealthy home buyers have " nearly fully invested in key cities . "