
  1. 分析了国际货运代理人充当第三方物流经营人后,因实施的具体法律行为不同,而具有不同的法律地位。

    This paper analyzes the different legal positions of international freight forwarding , acting as the third party logistics operators obtained , because of conduction of different concrete legal actions .

  2. 第二部分重点论述了第三方物流经营人在物流法律关系中的法律责任,并就这些责任的责任期间、适用何种归责原则以及有无责任限制一一进行了探讨。

    The second part states the legal responsibilities the Third-party undertake responsibility period , imputation principle and limitation of responsibility in the logistic relationships .

  3. 第三部分在第二章的基础上指出了第三方物流经营人面临的法律风险。

    The third part discusses the legal risk the Third-party confronted with on the basis of the previous two parts .