
  • 网络Bamboo furniture
  1. 在研究总结传统竹家具结构的基础上提出我国传统竹家具现代化生产的新思路。

    Based on studying and summing up the structure of traditional bamboo furniture , a new modern manufacturing process was devised for modern production of traditional bamboo furniture .

  2. 湘西南民俗竹家具种类及工艺特征分析

    Species and Artistic Characters of Folk Bamboo Furniture of South and West Hunan

  3. 中国传统竹家具有着丰富的文化内涵和精神气质。

    There have rich culture and spirited characteristic of traditional bamboo-furniture .

  4. “竹韵新语”系列,竹家具和竹家居用品设计。

    Bamboo products design , Zhuyun series on funiture and furnishing .

  5. 传统圆竹家具和新型竹集成材家具的分析

    Analysis of Traditional Bamboo-culms Furniture and New Glue-laminated Bamboo Furniture

  6. 传统竹家具的结构改进研究

    Study on the Improvement of Traditional Bamboo Furniture Structure

  7. 中国传统竹家具的文化特征

    Culture Characteristics of Traditional Bamboo Furniture in China

  8. 并且对一件竹家具进行具体的结构分析。

    Furthermore , to concrete analyze the construction of an particular bamboo furniture . 4 .

  9. 在新技术趋势下,竹家具设计同样面临着新的挑战与机遇。

    With the new technological trends , bamboo furniture design also faces new challenges and opportunities .

  10. 从原材料和产品的角度研究了发展竹家具的可行性与发展前景。

    The feasibility of developing bamboo-based furniture was studied in terms of raw materials and products .

  11. 竹家具的工艺特征

    The Characteristics of Bamboo Furniture

  12. 利用具有深厚民族文化特色的竹子制造现代原竹家具。

    Make use of bamboo which is characteristic of rich Chinese culture to produce modern bamboo furniture .

  13. 如何充分利用竹材,使传统圆竹家具与现代化相结合,是中国家具业面临的重要课题之一。

    How to fully use the bamboo material and make the bamboo-culm furniture more fashionable is an important issue to the Chinese furniture industry .

  14. 对我们来说,原竹家具的设计造型就是一种关于线的各种形态在空间中实施的位置上的经营和构造。

    As for us , the design sculpture of bamboo furniture is a kind of management and formation of different lines'shape in the space .

  15. 竹家具体现天然材料特有的田园风光和乡土气息,集传统文化与精湛的工艺于一体,将会越来越受到人们的青睐。

    As natural materials , bamboo furniture can reflects idyllic scenery and unique local flavor , and with the collection of traditional culture and the exquisite craftwork , it will be more and more popular .

  16. 如何充分利用竹材,在传统竹家具优势基础上,运用现代生产方式改造,使其在现代社会大放异彩,这是中国竹材加工业和家具业面临的重要课题之一。

    How to improve the bamboo 's usage level and make the traditional bamboo furniture manufacturing modernized is an important task not only to the furniture industry , but also to the bamboo machining industry in China .

  17. 竹子具有材性好、易繁殖、生长快、产量高等特点。因此,开发可再生利用的竹家具是非常必要的。

    Bamboo was good in materials , easy to reproduce , quick to grow and high output etc. for this reason , it is very necessary to to exploit the furniture which made with the bamboo which can revive use .

  18. 因此,竹质家具的发展前景广阔。

    Therefore , the future of bamboo-based furniture is bright and expansive .

  19. 依托资源优势发展竹质家具

    Relying on Bamboo Resources to Develop Bamboo-Based Furniture

  20. 这类家具采用木质材料作为32mm系统竹木复合板式家具板件的结构材料和封边材料,采用竹条作为家具板件的填充围合材料。

    This kind of furniture takes wood for the board structural material and the edge sealing material .

  21. 竹集成材家具的造型和生产工艺

    Feature and Production Process of Glued Laminated Bamboo Furniture

  22. 新型竹集成材家具的发展前景及其效益

    The efficiency and prospects of the development of new type glued-laminated bamboo furniture

  23. 新型竹集成材家具的研究

    Studies on New-Type Glued Laminated Bamboo Furniture

  24. 竹集成材家具接合方式也可以采用胶接合、榫接合、结构连接件接合、竹销(条)竹钉接合。

    The furniture joints have glue joint , tenon joint , hardware , bamboo pin .

  25. 竹文化竹家具

    Bamboo Culture Bamboo Furniture

  26. 浸胶工艺对绿竹重组竹材性能的影响实木家具与竹集成材家具典型结构与加工比较分析

    Comparison and analysis of the typical structure and processing between solid wooden furniture and glued laminated bamboo furniture

  27. 在新型竹集成材家具设计中,应挖掘利用我国所独有的竹文化;

    Our country 's unique bamboo culture should be considered in design of the new-type glued laminated bamboo furniture .

  28. 在本研究中,竹集成材家具基材典型结构为竹质立芯板材结构和横拼板材结构。

    In the research , typical structures of the new-type glued laminated bamboo are vertical core pressed panel and horizontal pressed panel .

  29. 竹集成材家具取材于竹材资源,很大程度上改变了家具业对木材资源的依赖。

    The glued laminated bamboo furniture drawn resource of bamboo , has changed the reliance of the furniture industry on timber resources fundamentally .

  30. 单组分聚氨酯结构用集成材胶合工艺的研究实木家具与竹集成材家具典型结构与加工比较分析

    Study on Bonding Technology of Structural Glulam by One Component Polyurethane Adhesive Comparison and analysis of the typical structure and processing between solid wooden furniture and glued laminated bamboo furniture