
jìnɡ zhēnɡ zhě
  • competitor;contender;rival;contestant;opponent;opposition;emulator
  1. 在一些国家里,比如阿尔及利亚和塞内加尔,英语正在成为法语强有力的竞争者,委员会在这些地方的工作可能会很快陷入停滞状态。

    Some countries where English is becoming a strong competitor to French , such as Algeria and Senegal , may see an immediate halt to the council 's work

  2. 该公司与其主要竞争者签订了一项秘密协议。

    The company signed a secret deal with its main competitor .

  3. 他们的价格比竞争者的要优惠。

    Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors .

  4. 那家公司已崭露头角,成为伦敦物业市场的主要竞争者。

    The company has emerged as a major player in the London property market .

  5. 和我们的竞争者相比,我们的数字并不乐观。

    The figures are not very good when measured against those of our competitors .

  6. 他的竞争者明白,不能期望如此残忍的对手发善心。

    His rivals knew that they could expect no quarter from such a ruthless adversary .

  7. 希腊依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。

    The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping .

  8. 三名领先的竞争者陷入一场鏖战。

    The three leading contenders were locked in a dogfight .

  9. 布拉德利本人就被认为是总统职位的有力竞争者。

    Bradley has been considered a possible presidential contender himself .

  10. 她是有望入选英国奥运代表团的有力竞争者。

    She was a strong contender for Britain 's Olympic team

  11. 这使他们得以参加其中并成为主要竞争者。

    This puts them in the ballpark and makes them a major player

  12. 处于领先位置的竞争者仍在激烈地角逐。

    The leading contenders are still slogging it out .

  13. 因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。

    Malvolio becomes , in default of competition , the play 's moral centre .

  14. 在他的直接竞争者中,阿诺德·马特斯也许在喜剧表演上比他更胜一筹。

    Among his immediate rivals was Arnold Matters , probably his superior in comic roles .

  15. 我们的“英国国内事务”记者报道了3名竞争者对辞职消息的反应。

    Our British Affairs correspondent reports on how the three contenders reacted to the news of the resignation .

  16. 各公司想方设法地保持比竞争者领先一步的优势。

    Companies are using every trick in the book to stay one step in front of their competitors .

  17. 克里斯·博德曼昨晚在巴塞罗那创下室外世界纪录,证明了自己是4,000米赛最有实力的竞争者。

    Chris Boardman stamped himself as the 4,000m favourite by setting the world 's fastest outdoor time in Barcelona last night .

  18. 他们的产品遥遥领先其竞争者。

    Their product has a good lead over their competitor 's.

  19. 汤姆是这一职位最强有力的竞争者。

    Tom is the strongest candidate for the position .

  20. 那18位竞争者大多数看上去有点害羞。

    Many of the18 contestants were looking a little shy .

  21. 你必须努力工作以保持领先于公司里其他竞争者,否则,你就会轻易地失去这种地位。

    You have to work hard to remain ahead of your competitors in business , or you can easily lose your leading position .

  22. 但一直努力着让更多的黑人西班牙裔和低收入家庭的学生进入高等数学领域,希望能改变高水平竞争者的人口池,使其不再那么排外。

    But efforts are in place to expose more black , Hispanic , and low-income students to advanced math , in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less exclusive .

  23. 跟风产品(me-tooproduct)是一个公司生产的跟竞争者产品类似的产品,目的是阻止竞争者把市场份额最大化。

    Me-too product is a product created by a company that is similar to a competitor 's product in order to prevent that competitor from maximizing its market share . For example :

  24. ①把对方价格与其竞争者相比。你们的价格比其他的一些供应商还要高出15%。

    Your price is about 15 % higher than some other suppliers .

  25. 新的竞争者被击败之后,价格就会重新上升。

    After defeat of the new competitor , the prices can rise again .

  26. 先生嘲笑他的竞争者意图将法国的问题撇开

    Mr Bayrou derides his rivals for proposing to spend France 's problems away . Bayrou

  27. 除了都是人口大国之外,这四个国家比他们的竞争者们都“年轻”。

    As well as having a large population , all these countries are ' younger ' than many of their competitors .

  28. 但Square也面临来自众多竞争者的攻势,它们家底殷实。

    But square is also under attack from a growing number of deep-pocketed competitors .

  29. 其次,3G时代必将引入新的竞争者。

    Second , it will take new competitors in 3G times .

  30. 你提到“IBM获胜了”,这是不是说其中有竞争者存在?

    When you say " they prevailed , " does that mean there was an auction process ?