
  1. 从理论上讲,统一劳动力市场,是完全竞争劳动力市场的均衡状态。

    In theory , a unified labor market is perfectly competitive labor market equilibrium .

  2. 继而,将最低工资制度引入劳动力市场供求曲线分析中,探讨了完全竞争劳动力市场和买方垄断劳动力市场中,最低工资对市场均衡工资和就业的影响。

    Then , we put the minimum wage system into the analysis of labor market supply and demand curve , discussing the effect of minimum wage one equilibrium wage and employment in perfectly competitive labor market and monopsony labor market .

  3. 在当前完全竞争的劳动力市场尚未完全建立、就业方式还存在双轨制的条件下,高收入家庭的子代更可能依靠其父代较高的社会资本来谋求一份薪水更高的工作。

    At present stage in China , children of high income families are more probable to find jobs with higher income , depending on the comparatively higher social capital of their parents .

  4. 在现实社会中,劳动者面对着非完全竞争的劳动力市场,以及低工资率时负的闲暇的边际效用,这严重动摇了向后弯曲的劳动供给曲线的基础。

    In realistic society , people confront the unperfect competition labor market and the negative marginal utility of leisure at lower wage , which badly rocks the foundation of the backward-bending labor supply curve , from which we can reconstruct a new labor supply curve .

  5. 四川省是西部大省,也是人口大省,更是农业大省,大量的城市下岗职工和进城务工农民以及新增劳动力在日益激烈竞争的劳动力市场中就业困难,其中绝大部分又属于结构性失业。

    Sichuan is a major agricultural province with a large population in Southwestern part of China . There are serious employment difficulties for the large number of urban laid-off workers and migrant farmers added to the workforce in the labor market , most of which also belong to structural unemployment .

  6. 竞争性的劳动力市场与劳动力市场分割

    Competitive Labor Market and Its Segmentation MARKET

  7. 但是任何企业的影响都很难量化,而其在消费价格、供应链、竞争对手以及劳动力市场的冲击也没有定论。

    Yet the economic impact of any company , even one as large as Wal-Mart , is hard to measure . There is no defining answer to its impact upon consumer prices , supply chain , competitors and labor market .

  8. 较高的产品市场竞争和灵活的劳动力市场更有利于产品创新和人力资本积累。

    High competition and flexible institutions bring rapid innovation and have a positive impact on human capital accumulation .

  9. 这样,实施调查的企业就可以根据调查结果来确定自己当前的薪酬水平相对于竞争对手在既定劳动力市场上的位置,从而根据自己战略到未来调整自己的薪酬水平甚至薪酬结构。

    We can use the result of the research to locate our level of salary compared with the opponents ', thus can we restructure our salary strategy and salary standard and even the salary structure .

  10. 因此,打破劳动力市场分割,建立统一、竞争、开放的劳动力市场直接关系着劳动力资源的有效配置,也是其它生产要素市场保持有效运行的一个前提和基础。

    So , breaking labor market segmentation , constructing united , competitive , opening up labor market have direct relation on effective arrangement of labor resource , also are the premise and base of other productive factors keeping effective operation .

  11. 在中国的社会转型过程中,一个重要的特征就是国家通过消除或减少之前的制度性支持为个体松绑,让个体渐进地直面充满竞争与风险的劳动力市场。

    In the process of social transformation in China , an important feature is to eliminate or reduce the institutional support for individual relaxation , which bring the individual to face the labor market that full of competition and risk .

  12. 而在新兴国家,重点应改变劳动力市场的完全竞争格局,构造劳动力市场寡头垄断结构。政府则应强化再分配功能,提高社会保障水平,稳定收入预期,从而提高消费在总需求中的比重。

    Developing countries should change the structure of labor market , and governments should make great efforts to reallocate , to enhance the level of social security , which would stabilize the expectation of income and increase the proportion of consumption to aggregate demand .

  13. 随着城市竞争的激烈和劳动力市场供求矛盾的加剧,都市生活压力很大,再加上要处理各种关系和照顾孩子使得已生育女性面临的问题越来越多。

    With the development of city competition and labor market supply and demand contradictions , city life pressure , coupled with the need to deal with the various relations and taking care of the children that has birth women face more and more problems .

  14. 这个问题的后果是多方面的,不仅不利于各种经济成分的平等竞争和全国统一劳动力市场的形成,也严重制约着国有企业改革和国民经济结构调整。

    But the aftermath is extensive , it counteracts the equal competition between the different economic component and the forming of the united labor market of the whole country . It also restricts the reformation of the state owned corporation and the adjustment of the national economy .

  15. 不过,骄人的成绩背后,我们不能不正视竞争的残酷,现在企业面临的竞争不仅是产品市场上的竞争,更是劳动力市场上的竞争。

    However , behind the impressive achievements , we must face the brutal competition in market which is not only the product market but also the labor market .