- 名competitive equilibrium

The appreciation space of Renminbi is determined by collectively competitive equilibrium in East Asian currency .
First question that must be faced is if there is a competitive equilibrium when increasing returns to specialization exist .
Event Risk , Limited Participation and Revaluation of Asset Price & A Competitive Model Based on Search Theory
A Survey on the Interaction between Capital Structure and Product Market & From the Perspective of Competitive Industry Equilibrium
Solving a dynamic programming problem of a central planner can prove that the competitive equilibrium and the social optimum is identical .
The traditional theory of the monetary transmission mechanism is based on a balanced model from the macro perspective and is mainly in perfect competitive markets .
It is generally believed that Competitive Equilibrium Model describes definitely the operation of market economy and the fields of government micro-economic intervention are those of market failure , i.e. the ' gap zone ' between real market and Pareto Optimality .
Through the analyses the author concludes that only on the condition of the even competitive market can the resources distribution in the whole society be rational and the economic efficiency maximized .
Equilibrium and Optimality of Competitive Insurance Market with One Dimensional Information Asymmetric Adverse Selection
In the aspect of governmental management of material-product chain , by using a competitive general equilibrium model , we demonstrated a tax / subsidy policy system that government could possibly use to influence material flowing .
We investigate the equilibrium analysis of competitive restructure in telecommunications , and discuss some other competitive theory such as Demsetz competition , second source competition and yardstick competition . ( 3 ) summarize of regulatory theories in telecommunications .